
Algorithm to find the path (train path with interchanges)

所以这是我在 python 中的简化代码,我正在尝试使用递归来查找如果用户想从 station1 到 station12 需要去哪些车站(作为示例)但是我完全搞不懂,请大家帮帮我,我被这个问题困扰了这么久,非常感谢!

x = ["station1","station2","station3","station4"]
y = ["station5","station6","station7","station8"]
z = ["station9", "station10"]
e = ["station11", "station12"]
array = x, y, z, e
interchange = [ ["station4", "station5"] , ["station8", "station9"], ["station10, station[11] ]
cur = "station1"
des = "station12"


def find(cur, des):
    check = 0
    for each in array:
        if cur in each and des in each:
            check = 1
            ind = each.index(cur)
            ind2 = each.index(des)
            for i in range(ind, ind2+1):
                print("-->", end = " ")
                print(each[i], end = " ")
    for each in array:
        if cur in each and check == 0:
            for station in interchange:
                if station in each and cur != station:
                    ind = each.index(cur)
                    ind2 = each.index(station)
                    for i in range(ind, ind2+1):
                        print("-->", end = " ")
                        print(each[i], end = " ")
                    find(station, des)

这是我想要得到的结果: station1-->station2-->station3-->station4-->station5-->station6-->station7-->station8-->station9-->station10-->station11-->station12

编辑: Canh的答案:

def find(cur, des):
    check = 0
    for each in array:
        if cur in each and des in each:
            check = 1
            ind = each.index(cur)
            ind2 = each.index(des)
            for i in range(ind, ind2+1):
                print("-->", end = " ")
                print(each[i], end = " ")
    for each in array:
        if cur in each and check == 0:
            for station1, station2 in interchange:
                if station1 in each and cur != station1:
                    ind = each.index(cur)
                    ind2 = each.index(station1)
                    for i in range(ind, ind2+1):
                        print("-->", end = " ")
                        print(each[i], end = " ")
                    find(station2, des)


x = ["station1","station2","station3","station4"]
y = ["station8","station7","station6","station5"]
z = ["station9", "station10"]
e = ["station11", "station12"]

interchange = [ ["station1", "station9"], ["station5", "station4"] , ["station9", "station8"], ["station10", "station11" ],  ["station2", "station9" ] ]

cur = "station12"
des = "station1"


station12 --> station11 --> station10 --> station9 --> station1

station12 --> station11 --> station10 --> station9 --> station2 --> station1

station12 --> station11 --> station10 --> station8 --> station7 --> station6 --> station5 --> station4 --> station3 --> station2 --> station1

如果 cur 和 des 交换:

cur = "station1"
des = "station12"


您的 interchange 变量是一个列表的列表。在语句 for station in interchange 中,station 是一个列表,因此条件 station in each 永远不会为真。


for station1, station2 in interchange:
    if station1 in each and cur != station1:
        ind = each.index(cur)
        ind2 = each.index(station1)
        for i in range(ind, ind2+1):
            print("-->", end = " ")
            print(each[i], end = " ")
        find(station2, des)