内存中的表和使用 SQL 服务器存储的过程中的正常表

Tables in memory and tables normal on procedure stored using SQL Server

我正在尝试将存储过程重写为本机编译的存储过程。程序参考4张表;这些表是普通表(非内存优化),我正在使用 2 个与之相关的视图。


不,本地编译的存储过程不能引用基于磁盘的表,只能引用内存优化的表。这是 Kalen Delaney 的书 SQL Server Internals: In-Memory OLTP:


However, there are limitations on the T-SQL language constructs that are allowed inside a natively compiled stored procedure, compared to the rich feature set available with interpreted code. In addition, natively compiled stored procedures can only access memory-optimized tables and cannot reference disk-based tables.

除了 this 限制外,我在 Microsoft 官方文档中找不到明确的说明,这是本机编译的存储过程无法引用 "normal" 表这一事实的直接后果:

For memory-optimized tables, FOREIGN KEY constraints are only supported for foreign keys referencing primary keys of other memory-optimized tables.