删除 sql 行在其他行中具有相同值的行

delete sql rows that have same value in other rows

我有一个 table 的数据为:

C1    || C2  
a     || 1
b     || 1   
c     || 1   
a     || 0
b     || 0  
c     || 0   
d     || 0  

我要删除第 4、5、6 行。 C2 = 0 且具有相同 C1 和 C2 = 1 的所有行。建议 ?

delete from your_table
where c2 = 0
and c1 in 
  select c1
  from your_table
  where c2 in (0,1)
  group by c1
  having count(distinct c2) = 2