如何从 tfrecord 解码 vggish 音频集嵌入?

How to decode vggish audioset embeddings from tfrecord?

我正在尝试使用由 VGGish model for transfer learning on audio data. Using python vggish_inference_demo.py --wav_file ... to encode my training data to a tfrecord worked fine, but now I want to use this as an input to another model (e.g. a neural network I create with keras or something else). Using some similar questions 和文档的预训练基础生成的 128 字节嵌入,我用一个文件的第一个嵌入记录走了这么远:

tfrecords_filename = 'example1.tfrecord'
record_iterator = tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(path=tfrecords_filename)
string_record = next(record_iterator)
example = tf.train.SequenceExample()



我什至不确定这个 b'...' 是什么(有超过 64 个和少于 128 个 xs - 所以不确定这与任何东西有什么关系)。

也许我在这里遗漏了一些基本的 Python 知识,但是如何将其转换为数字数组,我可以将其用作其他模型的输入?


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

tfrecords_filename = 'example1.tfrecord'
record_iterator = tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(path=tfrecords_filename)
string_record = next(record_iterator)
example = tf.train.SequenceExample()
hexembed = example.feature_lists.feature_list['audio_embedding'].feature[0].bytes_list.value[0].hex()
arrayembed = [int(hexembed[i:i+2],16) for i in range(0,len(hexembed),2)]


[153, 7, 170, 62, 210, 95, 82, 95, 159, 187, 113, 78, 153, 161, 56, 86, 173, 127, 147, 240, 41, 221, 52, 128, 126, 176, 164, 100, 142, 133, 182, 136, 163, 63, 85, 166, 81, 91, 155, 3, 56, 255, 0, 69, 69, 62, 79, 74, 165, 184, 130, 56, 41, 151, 94, 138, 170, 18, 104, 255, 255, 195, 57, 206, 155, 19, 128, 0, 106, 202, 90, 172, 255, 255, 15, 172, 28, 144, 38, 210, 46, 98, 226, 123, 193, 21, 233, 186, 237, 212, 169, 255, 220, 181, 153, 93, 33, 4, 202, 255, 166, 59, 98, 224, 25, 191, 87, 235, 80, 33, 255, 197, 255, 130, 255, 26, 190, 236, 45, 104, 255, 141, 255, 13, 150, 0, 0, 255]