现在完整的 geth ethereum 节点的大小是多少?

What is the size of full geth ethereum node nowadays?

我要在我的电脑上使用 geth --syncmode=full 设置一个完整的以太坊节点 我必须为此购买 SSD 驱动器。我的问题是 1TB SSD 是否足够,或者我必须购买更大(=昂贵)的 SSD 驱动器?




Geth 有 3 种模式;轻盈、快速、饱满。 运行 快就好。如果您想了解更多关于它们的信息,read this answer.

根据this article once Geth is done with fast sync, it switches to full sync. With a Parity Archive node approaching 2TB (source) you can expect at least that much in disk-space. Running a stable node is a challenge, so you may want to look into QuikNode(谁能运行给你一个云节点)