Android 图标尺寸应遵循哪个 Google 文档?

Which Google document should be followed for Android icon sizes?

Google 的 Android document on Iconography says that action bar icons should be 32x32 while its document on Action Bar Icons 说它们应该是 24x24 的基线,大概是 mdpi。

我以为Android document on Iconography已经过时了,但是Google通常擅长标记obsolete/deprecate个特征。


这是我第一次听说 site you are referring to. I believe it was the older version of "", since the home page of the site,横幅中有 "Android 5.0 Lollipop"。不确定为什么该网站仍然可用。

如需图片请关注Action bar icons or