
The problem with the allocation of memory for labels in mxnet, python

我使用生成对抗网络对五个 类、颜色、128x128 像素图像、批量大小 = 64 进行分类。创建判别器模块时,执行时

discriminator.bind(data_shapes = image_iter.provide_data, label_shapes = [('label', (batch_size, ))], inputs_need_grad = True)


data: (64, 3, 128, 128) label: (64,) Error in operator dloss: Shape inconsistent, Provided=[64], inferred shape=[64,25]

我不明白“25”这个数字是从哪里来的? 运算符 dloss:

discriminatorSymbol = mx.sym.LogisticRegressionOutput(data = fl5, label = label, name = 'dloss')

我从这个 example 中获取了所有信息。那里一切正常。

来自此 example 的 GAN 期望输入为 (batch_size, channels, 64, 64),但您的数据是 (64, 3, 128, 128)。所以你得到一个形状不匹配,因为你的鉴别器的输出是 25 而不是 1.

print( mx.visualization.print_summary(discriminatorSymbol, shape={'data':(64,3,128,128)})) gives

Layer (type)                                        Output Shape            Param #     Previous Layer
data(null)                                          3x128x128               0
d1(Convolution)                                     128x64x64               6144        data
dact1(LeakyReLU)                                    128x64x64               0           d1
d2(Convolution)                                     256x32x32               524288      dact1
dbn2(BatchNorm)                                     256x32x32               512         d2
dact2(LeakyReLU)                                    256x32x32               0           dbn2
d3(Convolution)                                     512x16x16               2097152     dact2
dbn3(BatchNorm)                                     512x16x16               1024        d3
dact3(LeakyReLU)                                    512x16x16               0           dbn3
d4(Convolution)                                     1024x8x8                8388608     dact3
dbn4(BatchNorm)                                     1024x8x8                2048        d4
dact4(LeakyReLU)                                    1024x8x8                0           dbn4
d5(Convolution)                                     1x5x5                   16384       dact4
flatten0(Flatten)                                   25                      0           d5