如何使用 Firebase 云功能发送自定义电子邮件

How to send customize e-mail with Firebase cloud functions

我想在使用 firebase 云功能创建用户后使用 nodemail 和邮戳发送邮件。

我遵循了这个教程:Tutorial link 来自 Dave Martin


There was an error while sending the welcome email: { status: 422, message: 'Zero recipients specified', code: 300 }


const nodemailer = require('nodemailer')
const postmarkTransport = require('nodemailer-postmark-transport')

// Google Cloud environment variable used:
// firebase functions:config:set postmark.key="API-KEY-HERE"
const postmarkKey = functions.config().postmark.key
const mailTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(postmarkTransport({
auth: {
    apiKey: postmarkKey
exports.OnUserCreation = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => 
console.log("user created: " + user.data.uid);
console.log("user email: " + user.data.email);

function sendEmail(user) 
// Send welcome email to new users
const mailOptions = 
    from: '"test" <test@test.com>',
    to: user.email,
    subject: 'Welcome!',
    html: 'hello'
// Process the sending of this email via nodemailer
return mailTransport.sendMail(mailOptions)
    .then(() => console.log('Welcome confirmation email sent'))
    .catch((error) => console.error('There was an error while sending the welcome email:', error))

我的 postmark.key 已经在 firebase 配置中设置... API 告诉我问题是我用来发送邮件信息的格式。我该如何解决它?



    const mailOptions = {
        from: 'test@test.com',
        to: user.email,
        subject: 'Welcome!',
        textBody: 'hello'


下面是从 firebase 云函数中的事件发送邮件的非常简单的步骤:

1- 下载包:

运行: npm install postmark

2- 注册到邮戳

注册PostMark - 然后找到你的 API 钥匙。


运行 : firebase functions:config:set postmark.key="API-KEY-HERE"

4 index.js待添加代码:

const postmark = require('postmark')
const postmarkKey = functions.config().postmark.key;
const mailerClient = new postmark.ServerClient(postmarkKey);

exports.OnUserCreation = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
console.log("user created: " + user.data.uid);
console.log("user email: " + user.data.email);
return sendEmail(user);

// Send welcome email to new users
function sendEmail(user) {
const mailOptions = {
    "From": "XYZ@YOURDOMAIN.com",
    "To": user.data.email,
    "Subject": "Test",
    "TextBody": "Hello from Postmark!"
return mailerClient.sendEmail(mailOptions)
    .then(() => console.log('Welcome confirmation email sent'))
    .catch((error) => console.error('There was an error while sending the welcome email:', error))


无需下载 nodemailer,也无需使用传输器。