如何使 DebuggerDisplay 适用于 Dictionary 中的复合类型?

How to make DebuggerDisplay work for composite types in Dictionary?

为了愉快地显示 Dictionary 的内容,我写了这个:

[assembly: DebuggerDisplay("{Key,nq} -> {Value,nq}", Target = typeof(KeyValuePair<,>))]

namespace test {
    public class Thing {
        private readonly int _num;
        public string DebuggerDisplay => $"DBG: {_num}";
        public Thing(int num) => _num = num;

    public class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            var map = new Dictionary<string,Thing> {
                ["Foo"] = new Thing(1),
                ["Bar"] = new Thing(2),


Foo -> DBG: 1
Bar -> DBG: 2


Foo -> {test.Thing}
Bar -> {test.Thing}

值得注意的是,如果我展开 KeyValuePair 中的一个,我会看到:

Name    | Value
Key     | "Foo"
Value   | DBG: 1

所以 DebuggerDisplay 确实有效。


虽然 DebuggerDisplay 的嵌套评估不起作用,但它实际上足够灵活,可以调用任何带有参数的自定义格式设置方法。所以我会这样做:

[assembly:DebuggerDisplay("{Key,nq} -> {MyNamespace.DebugHelper.DisplayValue(this.Value),nq}", Target = typeof(KeyValuePair<,>))]


internal static class DebugHelper
    internal static string DisplayValue(object value)
        switch (value)
            case Thing thing:
                return thing.DebuggerDisplay; // or even better just to format it here
                return value.ToString();