有没有办法使用三元运算符 - 或类似的方法 - 来选择要分配给的变量?

Is there a way to use a ternary operator - or similar method - for picking the variable to assign to?


(bEquipAsSecondary ? currentWeaponOffhand : currentWeaponMainhand) = weaponToSwitchTo;


if (bEquipAsSecondary)
    currentWeaponOffhand = weaponToSwitchTo;
    currentWeaponMainhand = weaponToSwitchTo;


Error CS0131 The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer

所以我想知道是否有一种方法可以减少 space 的使用,并且 - 在我看来 - 让它看起来更整洁?

不确定三元运算符是否比此处的常规 if-else 语句更好。但是你可以使用 Action,像这样:

(bEquipAsSecondary ? new Action(() => currentWeaponOffhand = weaponToSwitchTo)
                   : () => currentWeaponMainhand = weaponToSwitchTo)();

要使用三元运算符来选择要为其赋值的变量,您可以使用 ref locals/returns。例如,

(bEquipAsSecondary ? ref currentWeaponOffhand : ref currentWeaponMainhand) = weaponToSwitchTo;


var currentWeaponOffhand = 4;
var currentWeaponMainhand = 5;
var weaponToSwitchTo = 7;

(bEquipAsSecondary ? ref currentWeaponOffhand : ref currentWeaponMainhand) = weaponToSwitchTo;
Console.WriteLine($"When bEquipAsSecondary={bEquipAsSecondary},currentWeaponOffhand={currentWeaponOffhand},currentWeaponMainhand={currentWeaponMainhand}");


When bEquipAsSecondary=False,currentWeaponOffhand=4,currentWeaponMainhand=7
When bEquipAsSecondary=True,currentWeaponOffhand=7,currentWeaponMainhand=5


_ = condition ? (a = c) : (b = c);


bool condition = true;
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;

_ = condition ? (a = c) : (b = c);
Console.WriteLine($"a = {a}; b = {b}; c = {c}");


a = 3; b = 2; c = 3


  • _ = 是必需的,因为三元运算符仅在我们分配给某物时可用。这里我们使用_作为"discard"变量;即我们不关心 returned 值;只有操作本身发生。

  • 使用括号(例如 (a = c) 需要围绕赋值,因为我们需要 return 结果。执行 a = c 赋值 ca,但不会 return 给调用者任何东西。另一方面,(a = c)c 分配给 a,然后输出新值a,使其在方法的其余部分的上下文中可用。即 Aisde 从作业中该语句有效读取 _ = condition ? c : c;.

    • 其他一切都如您对标准三元运算符所期望的那样。不过,有什么问题,请说。


这并不理想,因为您必须分别指定每个分配;但确实给你一种形式 shorthand...

我怀疑这在代码审查中通常会被反对,因为它的可读性不如标准 if/else 方法...

注意:在其他一些语言中,可以使用的技巧是让条件充当数组的索引(例如 false=0,true=1),然后在分配值时利用它。 .. 然而,虽然您可以在 C# 中强制这样做,但它并不漂亮:

void Main()
    bool condition = true;  
    var a = new ReferenceType<int>(1);
    var b = new ReferenceType<int>(2);
    var c = new ReferenceType<int>(3);

    (new []{b, a})[ConvertBoolToInt(condition)].Value = c.Value;
    Console.WriteLine($"a = {a}; b = {b}; c = {c}");    
//in C# bools aren't natively convertable to int as they are in many langauges, so we'd need to provide a conversion method
public int ConvertBoolToInt(bool value)
    return value ? 1 : 0;
//to allow us to change the value rather than only the refenence, we'd need to wrap our data in something and update the value assigned to its property
public class ReferenceType<T>
    public T Value {get;set;}
    public ReferenceType(T intValue)
        Value = intValue;
    public override string ToString()
        return Value.ToString();


public enum WeaponHandEnum
    Primary //int = 0
    Secondary //int = 1
public class Player
    public Weapon[] Weapons {get;set;}
    public Player(Weapon primary = null, Weapon secondary = null)
        Weapons = new Weapon[2] {primary, secondary}; 
    public void Equip(WeaponHandEnum whichHand, Weapon newWeapon)
        Weapons[(int)whichHand] = newWeapon;
public class Weapon{ /* ... */ }


void Main()
    bool condition = true;  
    var a = 1;
    var b = 2;
    var c = 3;
    SomeKindaHelper.TernaryAssign<int>(condition, ref a, ref b, c);
    Console.WriteLine($"a = {a}; b = {b}; c = {c}");    
public static class SomeKindaHelper
    public static void TernaryAssign<T>(bool condition, ref T assignToMeIfConditionIsTrue, ref T assignToMeIfConditionIsFalse, T newValue)
        if (condition)
            assignToMeIfConditionIsTrue = newValue;
            assignToMeIfConditionIsFalse = newValue;



//Define action to equip appropriate slot
var equipAction = bEquipAsSecondary
    ? new Action<Weapon>( w => currentWeaponOffhand = w )
    : new Action<Weapon>( w => currentWeaponMainhand = w );

//Now equip the weapon