
Summing duplicate values while reading in data

我正在从 stream 中从上到下读取 5000 行数据,并将其存储在新的 CSV 文件中。

ProductCode |Name   | Type  | Price
ABC | Shoe  | Trainers  | 3.99
ABC | Shoe  | Trainers  | 4.99
ABC | Shoe  | Trainers  | 5.99 
ABC | Shoe  | Heels | 3.99
ABC | Shoe  | Heels | 4.99
ABC | Shoe  | Heels | 5.99

我希望 CSV 有一行但价格相加,而不是重复条目:

ProductCode |Name   | Type  | Price
ABC | Shoe  | Trainers  | 14.97
ABC | Shoe  | Heels | 14.97

我将每一行存储为 Product:

public class Product
        public string ProductCode { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Type { get; set; }
        public string Price { get; set; }

从流中读取数据后,我得到一个 IEnumerable<Product>


string fileName = Path.Combine(directory, string.Format("{0}.csv", name));            
var results = Parse(stream).ToList(); //Parse returns IEnumerable<Product>
if (results.Any())
                using (var streamWriter = File.CreateText(fileName))
                    //writes the header line out
                    streamWriter.WriteLine("{0},{1}", header, name);

                    results.ForEach(p => { streamWriter.WriteLine(_parser.ConvertToOutputFormat(p)); });

                Optional<string> newFileName = Optional.Of(SharpZipWrapper.ZipFile(fileName, RepositoryDirectory));
                return newFileName;

我不想再次遍历 5000 行以删除重复项,但想在将条目添加到 csv 文件之前检查该条目是否已存在。


听起来您只需要适当的 LINQ 转换:

results = results
    .GroupBy(p => p.ProductCode)
    .Select(g => new Product {
        ProductCode = g.Key,
        Name = g.First().Name,
        Type = g.First().Type,
        Price = g.Sum(p => p.Price)

或者如果您的 ProductCode 由于某些奇怪的原因不是唯一 ID:

results = results
    .GroupBy(p => new { p.ProductCode, p.Name, p.Type })
    .Select(g => new Product {
        ProductCode = g.Key.ProductCode,
        Name = g.Key.Name,
        Type = g.Key.Type,
        Price = g.Sum(p => p.Price)

不过,这是假设您已经将 Product 类型更改为 decimal Price 属性 类型。价格不是文本,因此不应存储为字符串。

List<Product> results = new List<Product>(new Product[]{
    new Product() { ProductCode="ABC ", Name="Shoe", Type="Trainers", Price="3.99" },
    new Product() { ProductCode="ABC ", Name="Shoe", Type="Trainers", Price="4.99" },
    new Product() { ProductCode="ABC ", Name="Shoe", Type="Trainers", Price="5.99" },
    new Product() { ProductCode="ABC ", Name="Shoe", Type="Heels", Price="3.99" },
    new Product() { ProductCode="ABC ", Name="Shoe", Type="Heels", Price="4.99" },
    new Product() { ProductCode="ABC ", Name="Shoe", Type="Heels", Price="5.99" },

results = (from e in results
           group e by new { e.ProductCode, e.Name, e.Type } into g
           select new Product
               ProductCode = g.Key.ProductCode,
               Name = g.Key.Name,
               Type = g.Key.Type,
               Price = g.Sum(p => double.Parse(p.Price, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToString("0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

您可以创建一个 class 字典,其中包含产品代码键和产品值。

您也可以逐行阅读流,尝试将新的 key/value 对添加到字典中。但在添加值之前,您检查它是否包含密钥(产品代码),如果是,您将获得该密钥的 Product 对象并更新价格。

然后您遍历字典并写入 csv。 这样您就不需要在写入 CSV 之前阅读两次来查找重复项。

I don't want to go through the 5000 rows again to remove the duplicates but would like to check if the entry already exists before I add it to the csv file.

在这里,您可以在覆盖 Equals():
时找到一些准则 Guidelines for Overloading Equals() and Operator == (C# Programming Guide)