NodeMailer 排队发送电子邮件,但电子邮件从不发送

NodeMailer queuing outgoing email, but email never sends

我正在尝试在不使用外部 SMTP 服务器的情况下从我自己的域发送电子邮件。我正在使用 NodeMailer's SMTP connection:

let options = {
    secure: true,
    port: consts.portOut,//465
    host:, //
    transactionLog: true,
    debug: true,
    requireTLS: true,
    authMethod: 'PLAIN',

let connection = new SMTPConnection(options);

connection.connect(function() {
    let auth = {
        user: 'abc',
        pass: 'def'

    connection.login(auth, function(err) {
        if (err) {
            console.log("Authentication failed!", err);
        console.log("Authentication to SMTP server successful.");

        let envelope = {
            from: '',
            to: ''

        let message = 'message hello world';

        connection.send(envelope, message, function(err, info) {
            if (err) {
                console.log("err:::", err);
            } else {
                console.log('info?', info);




connection.on("error", function(err) {

我的服务器代码使用NodeMailer's SMTP Server

const options = {
    secure: true,
    size: 25000000, //25MB
    authMethods: ['PLAIN'],
    key: hskey,
    cert: hscert,
    ca: [hschain],
    onAuth(auth, session, callback) {
        if(auth.username !== 'abc' || auth.password !== 'def') {
            return callback(new Error('Invalid username or password'));
        callback(null, {user: 123}); // where 123 is the user id or similar property
    onConnect(session, callback) {
        console.log("the address is:", session.remoteAddress)
        if (session.remoteAddress === consts.ip) {
            return callback(); // Accept the address
        } else {
            return callback(new Error('Only connections from %s allowed', consts.ip));

    onData(stream, session, callback) {
        simpleParser(stream, (err, parsed) => {
            if(err) {
            } else {

        stream.on('end', function () {
            let err;
                err = new Error('Message exceeds fixed maximum message size');
                err.responseCode = 552;
                return callback(err);
            callback(null, 'Message queued as abcdef');


const emailServer = new SMTPServer(options);

emailServer.listen(consts.portOut, function () {
    processSMTPConnection(consts, hskey);

emailServer.on("error", function (err) {
    console.error("Error %s", err.message);

所以在我的客户端连接到我的本地 SMTP 服务器后,我收到的最后一条消息是 'Message queued as abcdef' 并且没有任何内容发送(没有任何内容到达我的 gmail 收件箱或任何其他电子邮件测试服务)...

没有阻止不正确的端口,所以我一定是遗漏了什么(?)。 这不是如何正确使用 NodeMailer 吗? 我应该能够使用 NodeMailer 从我的本地域发送电子邮件吗?

文档 here 有一条说明:

This module does not make any email deliveries by itself. smtp-server allows you to listen on ports 25/24/465/587 etc. using SMTP or LMTP protocol and that’s it. Your own application is responsible of accepting and delivering the message to destination.



进一步说明邮件到达您的 SMTP 服务器后如何发送。如果收件人地址是本地的,就把邮件放在他们的邮箱里。但是如果你想"remail"这个消息,你需要联系这个消息的TO邮件交换。


const toExchange = getMX(;
const outMessage = createMessageFromParsed(parsed);

const transporter = createTransport({
    port: 25,
    host: toExchange,
    name: os.hostname(),
