如何在 RxJava 中不重复相同的操作?

How to not repeat the same operations in RxJava?


authRepository.login(userName, password)
              .doOnSubscribe(__ -> apiProgress.setValue(ApiProgress.start()))
              .doFinally(() -> apiProgress.setValue(ApiProgress.stop()))
              .subscribe(login -> loginData.setValue(login), 
                           err -> apiError.setValue(ApiError.create(err)))

我需要为所有 api 个调用重复 doOnSubscribe(..)doFinally


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您可以使用 Transformer (http://reactivex.io/RxJava/javadoc/rx/Single.Transformer.html)

static <T> SingleTransformer<T, T> subscribeAndFinalTransformer() {
        return new SingleTransformer<T, T>() {
            public SingleSource<T> apply(Single<T> upstream) {
                return upstream.doOnSubscribe(disposable -> {
                    // Your doOnSubscribe Block
                }).doFinally(() -> {
                    // Your doFinally Block 

及以上可重复使用 Transformer 可以使用 compose 方法附加到所有 Single

authRepository.login(userName, password).compose(subscribeAndFinalTransformer())


如果您使用 ObservableCompletable,您应该使用等效的 Transformer 而不是 SingleTransformer



如果您想将操作附加到所有 API 调用,您可以创建 Retrofit CallAdapter

class RxStreamAdapter implements CallAdapter {

    private final Class rawType;
    private final CallAdapter<Object, Object> nextAdapter;
    private final Type returnType;

    RxStreamAdapter(Class rawType,
                    Type returnType,
                    CallAdapter nextAdapter) {
        this.rawType = rawType;
        this.returnType = returnType;
        this.nextAdapter = nextAdapter;

    public Type responseType() {
        return nextAdapter.responseType();

    public Object adapt(Call call) {
        if (rawType == Single.class) {
            return ((Single) nextAdapter.adapt(call))
        } else if (returnType == Completable.class) {
            return ((Completable) nextAdapter.adapt(call))
        } else {
            // Observable
            return ((Observable<Object>) nextAdapter.adapt(call))

    private Consumer<Disposable> getDoOnSubscribe() {
        return disposable -> {


    private Action getDoFinally() {
        return () -> {


然后在创建 Retrofit 对象时添加它(在 RxJava2CallAdapterFactory 之前)

RetrofitApi retrofitApi = new Retrofit
                .addCallAdapterFactory(new CallAdapter.Factory() {
                    public CallAdapter<?, ?> get(Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations, Retrofit retrofit) {
                        CallAdapter<?, ?> nextAdapter = retrofit.nextCallAdapter(this, returnType, annotations);
                        Class<?> rawType = getRawType(returnType);
                        if (rawType == Single.class || rawType == Observable.class || rawType == Completable.class) {
                            return new RxStreamAdapter(getRawType(returnType), returnType, nextAdapter);
                        } else {
                            return nextAdapter;

您还可以使用 RxJavaPlugins 设置挂钩。但是你无法区分 b/w 普通流和 Retrofit 流。
