javascript 中的自动转换:当像 stringvar = 1+stringvar 那样完成时,难道不应该将字符串转换为数字吗?

Autoconversion in javascript: Isn't it supposed to convert a string to a number when done like stringvar = 1+stringvar?

(Firefox32, Win 7)


var a = "2";
a = 1 - 1 + a;
console.log(a, typeof a);

a = 1 + a - 1;
console.log(a, typeof a);


"02" "string"
101 "number"


我确信我经常以这种方式将字符串转换为数字,而且它很有效。 (虽然我更喜欢使用显式转换函数,但由于它如此完美地工作了这么长时间,...:/)

为什么第三行是数字?但不是第二个?为什么是 101?


// Number + String -> concatenation
5 + "foo" // "5foo"

MDN's Addition Operator usage examples

您可以使用 Unary Plus operator (+) 来避免调用 parseInt:

a = 1 + +a;

Unary plus (+)

The unary plus operator precedes its operand and evaluates to its operand but attempts to converts it into a number, if it isn't already. Although unary negation (-) also can convert non-numbers, unary plus is the fastest and preferred way of converting something into a number, because it does not perform any other operations on the number.

Isn't it supposed to convert a string to a number when done like stringvar = 1+stringvar?

没有。 :-) 如果 either 操作数是字符串,则它是字符串连接,而不是加法。这由步骤 7 中的 §11.6.1 of the spec 定义:

  1. Let lref be the result of evaluating AdditiveExpression.
  2. Let lval be GetValue(lref).
  3. Let rref be the result of evaluating MultiplicativeExpression.
  4. Let rval be GetValue(rref).
  5. Let lprim be ToPrimitive(lval).
  6. Let rprim be ToPrimitive(rval).
  7. If Type(lprim) is String or Type(rprim) is String, then
    1. Return the String that is the result of concatenating ToString(lprim) followed by ToString(rprim)
  8. Return the result of applying the addition operation to ToNumber(lprim) and ToNumber(rprim). See the Note below 11.6.3.


关于你的第三个例子,1 + a - 1 其中 a"02":

1 + "02" - 1


(1 + "02") - 1    =>    "102" - 1    => 101

+ 是字符串连接,但由于 subtraction operator - 总是 与数字一起使用,它会将 "102" 强制为 102 从中减去 1 得到 101.