RuntimeError: deleteUI: Object 'Animation_Copy_Tool' not found

RuntimeError: deleteUI: Object 'Animation_Copy_Tool' not found

在我的 UI 中按下 "Close Window" 按钮时出现此错误。这个按钮应该删除 UI window 但不是。完整回溯:

错误:删除UI:找不到对象'Animation_Copy_Tool'。 追溯(最近一次通话): closeBtnCmd 中的文件“”,第 36 行 运行时错误:删除UI:找不到对象'Animation_Copy_Tool'。 #

# Animation Copy Tool
# Bakari Holmes 5/7/2015
# This is designed to copy and existing animation
# from one rig to another and make the process easier
# with a simple UI

import maya.cmds as mc
import functools
import maya.mel as mm
import pprint

class AnimCopyWindow(object):
    def showUI(cls):
        win = cls()
        return win
    def __init__(self):
        self.window = "Animation Copy Tool"
        self.title = "Animation Copier"
        self.size = (546,350)

    def pasteTheseKeys(self, *args):
        self.offsetVal = mc.intFieldGrp(self.int_offset, q=True, value1=True)
        self.selObj_pasteKeys =

        for objectQuant in self.selObj_pasteKeys:
            print objectQuant
            self.ct = mc.currentTime(query = True)
            self.t = self.ct + self.offsetVal
           # mc.selectKey(selObj_pasteKeys[objectQuant])
            mc.pasteKey(time=(self.t,self.t), f=(1.0,1.0), option="merge", copies=1, to=0, fo=0, vo=0)

    def closeBtnCmd(self,*args):

    def create(self):
        # check to see if window exists already
        if mc.window(self.window,exists=True): 

        self.window = mc.window(self.window, title=self.title,widthHeight=self.size,menuBar=True)
        self.copyAnim = mc.window(title="Transfer Animation Tool", backgroundColor=[0.3,0.3,0.3],sizeable=False,resizeToFitChildren=True)
        #set the layout for UI
        self.tx_src = mc.textFieldGrp(label="Source Object", editable=False, text=sel[0])
        self.int_offset = mc.intFieldGrp(label="Frame Offset Amount", value1=0)
        #add paste animation button
        self.btn1 = mc.button(label="PASTE ANIMATION", command=self.pasteTheseKeys, bgc=[0.1,0.1,0.5])

        #add close button window
        self.btn2 = mc.button(label="CLOSE WINDOW", command=self.closeBtnCmd, bgc=[0.2,0.2,0.2])


        #####end of class definition#####

def keys_as_dictionary(channel):
    """return a dictionay of times:values for <channel>"""
    keys = mc.keyframe(channel, q=True, tc=True) or []
    values = mc.keyframe(channel, q=True, vc=True) or []
    return dict(zip(keys, values))

def channels():
    """return a dictionary of <plug>:<channel_dict> for each animated plug selected"""
    keys = mc.keyframe(sl=True, n=True, q=True)
    result = {}

    for k in keys:
        plugs = mc.listConnections(k, p=True)[0]
        result[plugs]= keys_as_dictionary(k)
    return result

#store selected object info
sel =

if (len(sel) != 1):
    mm.eval("warning Must select one animated object;")

    win = AnimCopyWindow()


此错误几乎总是意味着您的 UI 元素未按照您的想法命名:Maya 将自动重命名项目以确保没有两个兄弟姐妹同名 - 您可以要求 "my_window" 并返回 "my_window123" 。因此,您需要捕获从 cmds.window() 或您使用的任何 ui 命令返回的实际名称并将其删除。硬编码名称永远不可靠