使用映射的共享内存获取 "out-of-bounds" 和 "variable uninitialized" 警告

Getting "out-of-bounds" and "variable uninitialized" warnings with mapped shared memory

作为 Linux 的 C 应用程序的一部分,我编写了一个小型库以允许不同进程通过共享内存区域进行通信。



int LayOutShm (const char *shm_key, size_t memory_size, void ** new_memory)
    int fd_value = 0;
    void * pshm = NULL;
    int return_value = MEM_MGMT_SHM_ERROR;

    /* Force new_buffer pointer to NULL just like we initialize return_value to MEM_MGMT_SHM_ERROR */
    *new_memory = NULL;

    /* Shared object is created with O_EXCL to prevent two namesake areas from being created*/
    fd_value = shm_open(shm_key, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL , S_IRWXU);

    if(fd_value > 0){
        if(ftruncate(fd_value, memory_size) == 0){
            /* Here is where we get the pointer to the created memory area */
            pshm = mmap(NULL, memory_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd_value, 0);
            if(pshm != MAP_FAILED){
                return_value = MEM_MGMT_SHM_OK;
                memset(pshm,0,memory_size); /* Initialize the memory area */
                *new_memory = pshm; /* Pass the pointer back to the caller */

    return return_value;


#define SHM_KEY                 "my_shm_key"

typedef struct{
    pthread_mutex_t shm_mutex;
    int shm_var1;
    char shm_var2;
        int shm_union_var1;
        char shm_union_var2;

static t_shm_area * shm_area = NULL;

static int ShmInitialization(void)
    int return_value = -1;

    (void)LayOutShm(SHM_KEY, sizeof(t_shm_area), (void**)&shm_area);

    /*Check for errors in shared memory creation*/
    if (shm_area == NULL){
        syslog(LOG_ERR | LOG_USER, "Error laying out shared memory segment\n");
        shm_area->var1 = 0; /* This assignment gets flagged with a potential out-of-bounds runtime error */
        shm_area->shm_union.shm_union_var2 = 0; /* This assignment gets flagged with a potential out-of-bounds runtime error */

        /*Create empty attributes structure*/
        pthread_mutexattr_t mutex_attributes;

        /*Initialize attributes structures with default values*/

        /*Set attributes structure with shared memory value*/
        (void)pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&mutex_attributes, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);

        /*settype mutex PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK*/
        (void)pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mutex_attributes, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK);

        /*Initialize the mutex with all the previous attributes*/
        (void)pthread_mutex_init(&shm_area->shm_mutex, &mutex_attributes);

        return_value = 0;

    return return_value;

这是我第一次尝试使用双指针,所以如果我在声明中使用 void ** 或将输入双指针转换为的方式搞砸了,我不会感到惊讶无效。

该函数的先前实现 return 直接编辑了指针并没有产生这些问题,但我被要求更改它以便我们可以 return 状态代码(即使我们暂时不使用它们)。

创建该区域后,我传递给库以从共享内存中获取值的任何本地声明的变量都会得到 "tainted",并带有来自潜在 "out-of-bounds" 运行时错误或 "variable might not be initialized" 的警告警告。该库已经用几种不同类型的数据结构(其中一些大到 15kB)进行了测试,数据完整性和性能令人满意。



C 中的通用指针类型是 void*。然而,没有通用的指针到指针类型 void**。所以强制转换 (void**)&shm_area 是不兼容指针类型之间的强制转换。从技术上讲,这是未定义的行为(严格的别名违规),所以任何事情都有可能发生。

要解决此问题,请使用临时 void* 作为参数传递:

void* vptr = shm_area;
shm_area = vptr;