在 Jenetics 中定义约束

Defining constraints in Jenetics

我以前用过MOEA Framework, which knows the concept of constraints. That is, a solution to a problem might have a good fitness, but is infeasible. For instance, when working with the knapsack problem,一个特定的物品组合可能会带来高利润,但它们的重量超过了背包的容量。相应的适应度函数将包括如下行:

// Set the fitness (=> profit) of the solution (=> knapsack).
solution.setObjective(0, profit)
// Set the constrain (=> 0.0 if OK, , otherwise the distance to the boundary).
solution.setConstraint(0, (weight <= capacity) ? 0.0 : weight - capacity)



Jenetics doesn't support constraints directly. You can set a phenotypeValidator in the Engine.Builder。这将拒绝 Phenotypes 并重新创建 无效的 个人。不完全是约束,而是一种。第二种可能是return所有目标的最小适应度值。

截至 Jenetic v5.0.0, both phenotypeValidator and genotypeValidator have been removed, but it is now possible to define a Constraint (see also user guide,第 2.5 节):

Engine.builder(/* ... */)
        .constraint(Constraint.of(phenotype -> /* test validity */)

也可以实施 Constraintrepair 方法来尝试修复给定的个体。


It [the Constraint interface] is meant as the last line of defense, when it comes to check the validity of an individual. […] The second important method [besides test] of the Constraint is the repair method. This method tries to fix the given individual. Without defining this method, only a new, random phenotype is created.

还请考虑在适应度函数本身内验证您的约束,并且 return 值与您要优化的值相反。这可能会降低整体性能,但允许您在更高级别上验证结果。

例如如果您最大化双精度值只是 return 作为适应度函数的结果的最低负双精度,如果优化的解决方案没有通过约束。