为什么我写入 MongoDB Atlas 的 Azure 函数的冷启动时间超过 70 秒?

Why does my Azure Function to write to MongoDB Atlas have >70s cold start time?

请问是不是我的函数有通用问题,导致冷启动这么久。 Mongoose 已作为依赖项安装,这可能会增加时间。但是 70 年代?!?加油...

这是我的代码。真的很简单。只想写一些东西给 MongoDB。感谢任何反馈。

module.exports = function(context, req) {
  context.log("Function started!");

  // Database interaction.
  const mongoose = require('mongoose');
  const DATABASE = process.env.MongodbAtlas;

  // Connect to our Database and handle any bad connections
  mongoose.Promise = global.Promise; // Tell Mongoose to use ES6 promises
  mongoose.connection.on('error', (err) => {
    context.log(`ERROR→ ${err.message}`);

  // Portfolio Schema.
  const Portfolio = mongoose.model('Portfolio');

  //Create a Portfolio object.
  var portfolio = new Portfolio();
  portfolio.fiat = "EUR";
  portfolio.token[0] = {
    crypto_ticker: "BTC",
    crypto_name: "Bitcoin",
    crypto_qty: 50,
    crypto_invested_sum: 9000

  // Save to db.


使用 Azure Functions extension for VS Code. The extension is automatically creating a package file and sets WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE=1 (some in-depth infos regarding packaging) 后,冷启动时间减少到 3 秒左右。

现在 "Functions as a Service" 变得更有趣了。