如何让 REPL 识别地图中的测试?

How to get REPL to recognize tests within a map?


"Arcane Golem"
    {:name        "Arcane Golem"
    :attack      4
    :health      4
    :mana-cost   3
    :type        :minion
    :set         :classic
    :rarity      :rare
    :description "Battlecry: Give your opponent a Mana 
    :battlecry   (fn battlecry [state minion]
                     {:test (fn []
                                (as-> (create-game [{:minions [(create-minion "Arcane Golem" :id "ag")]}]) $
                                      (battlecry $ (get-minion $ "ag"))
                                      (contains? (get-in $[:players "p1" :hand]) "Mana Crystal")))}
                     (-> (get-opponent state (:id minion))
                     (add-card-to-hand state (create-card "Mana Crystal"))))}

这个地图本身是一个更大的地图地图中的键值对,称为卡片定义。如您所见,我在下面编写了一个战吼功能测试;然而,当我启动 REPL 和 运行 这个地图命名空间中的所有测试时,它说 Ran 0 tests with 0 assertions. 我怎样才能让 REPL 识别这个测试?

您可以同时使用with-testdefine a function and a unit test

; with-test is the same as using {:test #((is...)(is...))} in the meta data of the function.

(:use 'clojure.test)

    (defn my-function [x y]
      (+ x y))
  (is (= 4 (my-function 2 2)))
  (is (= 7 (my-function 3 4))))

(test #'my-function)            ;(test (var my-function))
=> :ok

注意:当使用 with-test 时,该函数仍必须使用 defn 定义为全局变量(参见示例)。匿名fn作为映射键的值将不会被测试机器发现。


{:battlecry my-function}    ; for example


flintstones.core           ; main namespace
tst.flintstones.core       ; the unit test namespace

然后将它们放置在项目目录的 ./src./test 子目录中:

src/flintstones/core.clj            ; main namespace
test/tst/flintstones/core.clj       ; the unit tests

但还有其他的可能性。另见 the Clojure Cookbook discussion on testing.