
ggpubr: how to obtain summary statistics for violin / boxplots

我是 ggpubr 包的新手,但到目前为止发现它很棒。但是,我还没有弄清楚如何从箱线图中获取计算值(范围、IQR 等)。通常 $stats 参数会这样做,但现在我得到的只是 NULL.

p <- ggviolin(, x = "data", y = "percent", fill = "gray80",
       add = "boxplot", add.params = list(fill = "white")) + 
     stat_compare_means(label.y = 25)




pb <- ggplot_build(p)
# str(pb, 1)
pb$data[[2]] # geomBoxplot is the second layer
#  ymin lower middle upper ymax      outliers notchupper notchlower x PANEL group ymin_final ymax_final xmin xmax weight colour  fill size alpha shape linetype
#1  2.9 3.200    3.4 3.675  4.2      4.4, 2.3   3.506137   3.293863 1     1     1        2.3        4.4  0.9  1.1      1  black white  0.5     1    19    solid
#2  2.0 2.525    2.8 3.000  3.4                 2.906137   2.693863 2     1     2        2.0        3.4  1.9  2.1      1  black white  0.5     1    19    solid
#3  2.5 2.800    3.0 3.175  3.6 3.8, 2.2, 3.8   3.083792   2.916208 3     1     3        2.2        3.8  2.9  3.1      1  black white  0.5     1    19    solid


p <- ggviolin(iris, 
              x = "Species",
              y = "Sepal.Width",
              fill = "gray80",
              add = "boxplot",
              add.params = list(fill = "white")) + 

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