
Protocol extension to struct and overwritable


public protocol DateFormatProtocol{
    var dateFormat : String {get}

public protocol CodableWithDateFormat : Codable, DateFormatProtocol{
    static var dateFormat: String {get}// = "DatFormat"

public extension CodableWithDateFormat{
    public static var dateFormat: String { return "Base date format" }

因此,当我需要时,我可以覆盖每个需要不同日期格式的结构中的 属性,但我不希望每个结构都覆盖协议扩展中给出的默认日期格式。我有什么办法可以写这个吗? :

struct Struct1 : CodableWithDateFormat{
    var dateFormat: String { return "Overwritten Date Format" }
    let prop1 : String
    let prop2 : Int

struct Struct2 : CodableWithDateFormat{ //Type 'Struct2' does not conform to protocol 'DateFormatProtocol'
    let prop1 : String
    let prop2 : Int

您需要在 DateFormatProtocol 中匹配 dateFormat 的声明,如下所示,

public protocol DateFormatProtocol {
    static var dateFormat: String { get }

public protocol CodableWithDateFormat: Codable, DateFormatProtocol {}

public extension CodableWithDateFormat {
    public static var dateFormat: String { return "Base date format" }

struct Struct1: CodableWithDateFormat {
    public static var dateFormat: String { return "Overwritten Date Format" }
    let prop1: String
    let prop2: Int

struct Struct2: CodableWithDateFormat {
    let prop1: String
    let prop2: Int