所选维度转换为 div table

Selected dimensions convert to div table

谁能帮我对 this or this 页面进行逆向工程?用户通过网格系统选择维度的地方。然后,所选框的数量将以相同的尺寸转换为 div 个。



注意:这是快速而肮脏的;不应该使用 innerHtml,如果你想看到它更精致的话,请联系我 :) https://jsfiddle.net/ynfb3Lh2/9/

<div id="selection">
<div id="target">
<pre id="text">

  // Prepare our targets
  const selectionContainer = document.getElementById("selection");
  const targetContainer = document.getElementById("target");
  const textContainer = document.getElementById("text");

  // rows: How many rows to generate?
  // cols: How many cols to generate?
  // [_insertCallback]: should we insert callback? 
  // [_targetContainer]: where should we place created divs?
  // [_textContainer]: sWhere should we write our HTML as plain text? 
  function generateDiv(rows, columns, _insertCallback, _targetContainer, _textContainer) {
    // Create our wrapping elements
    const table = document.createElement("table");
    const tbody = document.createElement("tbody");

    for (let r = 0; r < rows; ++r) {
      // Each row is created here...
      const tr = document.createElement("tr");

      for (let c = 0; c < columns; ++c) {
        const td = document.createElement("td");
        td.text = "&nbsp;"
        // if callback is defined, and we have a target - allow us to generate new table on each click
        if (_insertCallback && _targetContainer) {
          td.onclick = () => generateDiv(r + 1, c + 1, false, _targetContainer, _textContainer)


      // ... and added here


    if (_targetContainer && !_insertCallback ) {
      _targetContainer.innerHTML = '';
    if (_textContainer && !_insertCallback ) {
      _textContainer.innerHTML = table.outerHTML
      .replace(/td><\//gi, "td>&amp;nbsp;</")
      .replace(/</gi, "&lt;")
      .replace(/>/gi, ">\n");

    return table;

  selectionContainer.appendChild(generateDiv(10, 10, true, targetContainer, textContainer));


并且类似地,通过向每个单元格添加行和列信息的类似函数完成选择table table。然后,table 上的 mouseClick 事件将读取行和列并传递给生成代码。