C++ 实现抽象 类

C++ implementing abstract classes

我正在尝试编写一个名为 TerminalPlayer 的派生 class,它继承了一个 class Player,给定虚拟 const Card playCard(const Card opponentCard) = 0 的声明;你将如何在抽象中实现继承的 playCard class 以及原型末尾的 = 0 是什么意思?

我在给出错误的主要测试代码中也有错误:无法分配抽象类型“Player”的对象。我认为这是因为我没有正确实现播放器 class 但我不知道如何修复它。


    #ifndef PLAYER_H_
    #define PLAYER_H_

    #include <vector>
    #include "Card.h"

    #define MAX_HAND_SIZE 3

    // Abstract Player classS
    class Player {

            // Deconstructor
            virtual ~Player() {

            // Play a card. If the player receives a joker then this player is going first
            virtual const Card playCard(const Card opponentCard) = 0;

            // Receive a card from the dealer
            void receiveCard(const Card c) {

            // Add points to the score
            void addScore(unsigned s) {
                score += s;

            // Get the score
            int getScore() const {
                return score;

            // Return true if the player has cards in the hand
            bool hasCards() const {
                return (hand.size() != 0);

            // Receive the cards played from the previous round. This member function would be used by a computer player that may need to 'see' what cards were played.
            void cardsPlayed(const Card card1, const Card card2) {


            // Output the players name
            friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& out, const Player& p);

            // Constructor. Since this is an abstract class we do not want anyone instantiating a player class so we make it protected.
            Player(std::string name) :
                    score(0), name(name), hand(0) {

            int score;
            std::string name;
            std::vector<Card> hand;




    #include "Player.h"

    class TerminalPlayer : public Player {
        TerminalPlayer(std::string name);
        virtual ~TerminalPlayer();



    #include "Player.h"
    Card playCard(const Card opponnentCard){
        // TODO: playCard code here


    int main(){

        // This initialization give error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type ‘Player’
        TerminalPlayer player1 = Player("Player1");

        return 0;

= 0'表示这是一个pure virtual函数。 这种类型的函数必须由继承自基础 class 并在程序中实例化的任何 class 定义。

由于您的基地 class 声明:

// Play a card. If the player receives a joker then this player is going first
virtual const Card playCard(const Card opponentCard) = 0;

您应该在派生的 class 中实现此功能。 你接近 TerminalPlayer.cpp:

const Card TerminalPlayer::playCard(const Card opponnentCard){
    // TODO: playCard code here

您缺少上面显示的 TerminalPlayer:: 范围。 还缺少派生 class 中的函数声明。您需要添加:

virtual const Card playCard(const Card opponentCard) override;

内 class TerminalPlayer。把它放在析构函数之后。


一个想法:return 值上的 const 限定符不是必需的,因为您是按值 returning。