
What's the relationship between checksum and full page image?



If we need to protect hint bit updates from torn writes, WAL-log a full page image of the page. This full page image is only necessary if the hint bit update is the first change to the page since the last checkpoint.

We don't check full_page_writes here because that logic is included when we call XLogInsert() since the value changes dynamically.

据我所知,如果我们需要保护页面免受包括提示位更新在内的撕裂写入,我们应该启用 full_page_writes。如果校验和能够检测到撕裂的页面,即使 full_page_writes 关闭,为什么我需要在 WAL 中写入整页图像?


如果您想同时避免该问题,请将 full_page_writes 设置为 on