Vaadin:Layout 中的中心组件不能仅与静态值一起使用 setSizeFull?

Vaadin: center componet in Layout dont work with setSizeFull just with static values?


  1. 如果布局为 100% X 100% (setSizeFull),则不起作用。面板位于 Window.
  2. 的左上角


  1. 如果我分配一个静态值 setWidht("500px"),则面板位于 500px 的中心。

为什么或如何使用 setSizeFull 属性 使面板在布局中居中?


class MyVaadinUI 
   init method 
       setContent(new Login());

class Login extends CustomComponent  // Vaadin Composite
    Login() // constructor
       vLayout.setComponentAlignment(panel, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER);

       // Code for VerticalLayout and panel is autogenerate by wysiwyg editor
       //the problem if that if vlayout is set with 100% x 100% (setSizefull)    
       //the panel is place in the top-left corner BUT if a set a static value 
       // 1280x800 it is correct place in the middle center

您在 layout 中添加了 Panel 并且调用了 layout.setSizeFull().


VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();//For example
layout.addComponent(panel);//Your panel
layout.setComponentAlignment(panel, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER);


我想你没有在你的 MainUI 上调用 setSizeFull() class.You 已经在 LogIn 上添加了 setSizeFull。你应该固定高度和宽度LogIn 并将 this.setSizeFull() 添加到 MainUI.

我找到了解决办法。根据 this "A layout with undefined size can't contain a component with relative size." 所以将 setSizeFull 添加到 UI 有效:

class MyVaadinUI 
   init method 
       setContent(new Login());