监视到 Azure 负载均衡器的流量

Monitor traffic to Azure Load Balancer

我正在尝试监控 Azure 负载均衡器的流量。为此,我在 Azure 中打开了 Monitor blade 并为我的负载均衡器和 Public IP 实例添加了 "Inbound bytes DDoS" 指标。


Is there another metric or method I should be using to monitor traffic to my load balancer?

根据您的描述,我想您有一个 public 标准负载平衡器。如果您想了解 public Basic Load Balancer 的日志分析,可以查看 this

对于标准负载均衡器,Azure 通过 Azure 门户中的指标提供了新的多维指标,它可以帮助您获得对负载均衡器资源的实时诊断见解。您可以看到标准负载均衡器配置提供的 these metrics

例如,您可以使用 Data Path Availability 指标来监控服务的外部可用性和 Health Probe Status 指标以确定向何处发送新流。通过在单个图表上结合使用 VIP 可用性和运行状况探测指标,您可以确定在哪里查找问题并解决问题。 SNAT 连接指标 描述出站流的成功和失败连接量。使用 SYN 数据包(数据包计数,SYN 计数)指标了解对您的服务的 TCP 连接尝试。

The VIP availability metric describes the health of the data path within the region to the compute host where your VMs are located. The metric is a reflection of the health of the Azure infrastructure. You can use the metric to:

  • Monitor the external availability of your service
  • Dig deeper and understand whether the platform on which your service is deployed is healthy or whether your guest OS or application instance is healthy.
  • Isolate whether an event is related to your service or the underlying data plane. Do not confuse this metric with the health probe status ("DIP availability").

The health probe status metric describes the health of your application deployment as configured by you when you configure the health probe of your load balancer. The load balancer uses the status of the health probe to determine where to send new flows. Health probes originate from an Azure infrastructure address and are visible within the guest OS of the VM.

更多详情:Common diagnostic scenarios and recommended views

当您的意思是"monitor"您使用的是 Azure Monitor 还是 Loadbalancer 的 Monitor(诊断)blade?

如果您选择了标准 DDoS 保护计划,您会看到它们填充了相应的 public IP。


所以请确保 1.您有适用于 VNet 和 Public IP 的 Azure 标准 DDoS 计划 2. 为 Azure Monitor 配置的遥测

这应该会为您提供所需的 DDoS 指标。

您无法通过标准 LB blade 查看它们,基本上可以查看的内容已在上面 post 中描述。