Android 资源字符串翻译成哪些语言?

What languages are Android resource strings translated in?

如果我使用 android.R.string.yes 之类的字符串,是否所有设备都会使用设备所选语言的该字符串?换句话说,这个字符串在西班牙语 phone 上是西班牙语,在中文 phone 上是中文,等等?你是怎么想出来的或链接很感激!


Spanish on a Spanish phone, Chinese on a Chinese phone

是的。所有 Android 字符串资源都已翻译成多种语言,并且它将以 phone 设置的任何语言显示。


The only reason for using them (vs your own values) is to save yourself the trouble of translating your own "yes/no" values should you decide to support another language.

...和this question.