罗盘在 360 和 0 之间移动并检查是否有负变化

Compass moving between 360 and 0 and checking if there is a negative change

我有一个罗盘,returns 度在 0-360 和罗盘初始值的起始位置(度)之间,还有一个阈值。

degrees = 0-360
initialDegrees = null
threshold = 20


if(degrees > initialDegrees+threshold || initialDegrees == null) { // this is to start the checking
    initialDegrees = degrees



if(degrees > initialDegrees-thredshold) // this is always true, and doesn't do what i want

我有办法做到这一点吗? 希望你明白我想要达到的目标。


int delta = degrees - initialDegrees;
if (delta > 180)
    delta -= 360; // its a negative move.
if (delta < -180)
    delra += 360; // actually positive.
if (Math.abs(delta) > threshold)
    // meaningful move.

您可以使用数学来避免 if 语句

delta = (delta + 360 + 180) % 360 - 180; // all values between -180 and 179.

delta = (delta + 360 + 179) % 360 - 179; // all values between -179 and 180.

你需要的是shortestAngle功能。一些数学库已经有了它,但您可以编写自己的。给定 2 个角,你需要找到最小的角(绝对值),使得第一个角加上这个结果等于第二个角:

public static float shortestAngle(float from, float to) {
    float difference = to - from; //step 1: do flat difference
    difference %= 360; //step 2: do module 360 to normalize to (-360, 360) range
    if(difference < 0) {
        difference += 360; //step3: normalize to [0, 360) range
    if(difference > 180) {
        difference -= 360; //step 4: normalize to (-180, 180] range
    return difference;
