Spring Cloud Dataflow errorChannel 不工作

Spring Cloud Dataflow errorChannel not working

我正在尝试为我的 Spring Cloud Dataflow 流创建一个自定义异常处理程序,以路由一些错误以重新排队,而另一些错误则进行 DLQ。

为此,我正在利用全局 Spring 集成 "errorChannel" 和基于异常类型的路由。

这是 Spring 集成错误路由器的代码:

package com.acme.error.router;

import com.acme.exceptions.DlqException;
import org.springframework.cloud.stream.annotation.EnableBinding;
import org.springframework.integration.annotation.MessageEndpoint;
import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Router;
import org.springframework.integration.transformer.MessageTransformationException;
import org.springframework.messaging.Message;

@EnableBinding({ ErrorMessageChannels.class })
public class ErrorMessageMappingRouter {
   private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ErrorMessageMappingRouter.class);

   public static final String ERROR_CHANNEL = "errorChannel";

   @Router(inputChannel = ERROR_CHANNEL)
    public String onError(Message<Object> message) {
      LOGGER.debug("ERROR ROUTER - onError");
      if(message.getPayload() instanceof MessageTransformationException) {
         MessageTransformationException exception = (MessageTransformationException) message.getPayload();
         Message<?> failedMessage = exception.getFailedMessage();
          if(exceptionChainContainsDlq(exception)) {
             return ErrorMessageChannels.DLQ_QUEUE_NAME;
         return ErrorMessageChannels.REQUEUE_CHANNEL;
      return ErrorMessageChannels.DLQ_QUEUE_NAME;



错误路由器由每个流应用程序通过 Spring 启动应用程序上的包扫描为每个应用程序拾取:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.acme.error.router" }
public class StreamApp {}

在本地 Spring Cloud Dataflow 服务器(版本 1.5.0-RELEASE)部署并 运行 时,抛出 DlqException,消息成功路由到 onError 方法在 errorRouter 中,然后放入 dlq 主题中。

然而,当它作为 docker 容器部署到 SCDF Kubernetes 服务器(也是 1.5.0-RELEASE 版本)时,永远不会触发 onError 方法。 (router开头的log语句从不输出)

在流应用程序的启动日志中,bean 似乎被正确拾取并注册为 errorChannel 的侦听器,但由于某种原因,当抛出异常时,onError 方法不会处理它们在我们的路由器中。


o.s.i.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer : Adding {router:errorMessageMappingRouter.onError.router} as a subscriber to the 'errorChannel' channel
o.s.i.channel.PublishSubscribeChannel : Channel 'errorChannel' has 1 subscriber(s).
o.s.i.endpoint.EventDrivenConsumer : started errorMessageMappingRouter.onError.router

我们正在使用 spring 云流和 kafka 活页夹配置的所有默认设置:

        type: kafka

编辑:添加了来自 kubectl describe <pod>

的 pod args

我们尝试的另一个想法是尝试使用 Spring Cloud Stream - spring 集成错误通道支持将错误发送到代理主题,但由于消息似乎不是完全登陆全局 Spring 集成错误通道,这也不起作用。

我们需要在 SCDF Kubernetes 中做些什么来启用全局 Spring Integration errorChannel?



After reviewing your configuration I am now pretty sure I know what the issue is. You have a multi-binder configuration scenario. Even if you only deal with a single binder instance the existence of spring.cloud.stream.binders.... is what's going to make framework treat it as multi-binder. Basically this a bug - github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream/issues/1384. As you can see it was fixed but you need to upgrade to Elmhurst.SR2 or grab the latest snapshot (we're in RC2 and 2.1.0.RELEASE is in few weeks anyway) – Oleg Zhurakousky

这确实是我们设置的问题。我们没有升级,只是暂时取消了 multi-binder 的使用,问题就解决了。


After reviewing your configuration I am now pretty sure I know what the issue is. You have a multi-binder configuration scenario. Even if you only deal with a single binder instance the existence of spring.cloud.stream.binders.... is what's going to make framework treat it as multi-binder. Basically this a bug - github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream/issues/1384. As you can see it was fixed but you need to upgrade to Elmhurst.SR2 or grab the latest snapshot (we're in RC2 and 2.1.0.RELEASE is in few weeks anyway) – Oleg Zhurakousky

这确实是我们设置的问题。我们没有升级,只是暂时取消了 multi-binder 的使用,问题就解决了。