Derby 将空 table 的现有列更改为标识

Derby alter existing column of empty table to be identity


psAddPK = conn.prepareStatement("ALTER TABLE users ALTER usr    
                      GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1)");        



java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "GENERATED"

在创建 usr 时定义为 NOT NULL


Here's the Derby Alter table spec

The ALTER TABLE statement allows you to:

  • add a column to a table
  • add a constraint to a table drop a column from a table
  • drop an existing constraint from a table
  • increase the width of a VARCHAR or VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA column
  • override row-level locking for the table (or drop the override)
  • change the increment value and start value of the identity column
  • change the nullability constraint for a column
  • change the default value for a column


ALTER TABLE table-name
    ADD COLUMN column-definition |
    ADD CONSTRAINT clause |
    DROP [ COLUMN ] column-name [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ]
    DROP { PRIMARY KEY | FOREIGN KEY constraint-name | UNIQUE 
     constraint-name | CHECK constraint-name | CONSTRAINT constraint-name }
    ALTER [ COLUMN ] column-alteration |


column-name SET DATA TYPE VARCHAR(integer) |
column-name SET DATA TYPE VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA(integer) |
column-name SET INCREMENT BY integer-constant |
column-name RESTART WITH integer-constant |
column-name [ NOT ] NULL |
column-name [ WITH | SET ] DEFAULT default-value |
column-name DROP DEFAULT


simple-column-name [ data-type ]
[ column-level-constraint ]*
[ [ WITH ] DEFAULT default-constant-expression
  | generation-clause