从 Web API 控制器访问 Window Azure Active Directory 以根据 ID (v-id) 解析用户

Access Window Azure Active Directory from web API controller to resolve user based on id (v-id)

我试图使用 AAD Graph API 根据他的 Microsoft 电子邮件 ID (v-Id) 解析 Azure 网站中的用户。请为此提供任何示例或 URL

RamLaki - 查看 Github 上 AzureADSamples 组织中的图形 API 示例:https://github.com/AzureADSamples. I believe the WebApp-GraphAPI-DotNet and/or ConsoleApp-GraphAPI-DotNet C# samples demonstrate retrieving a User by UPN/email. The Graph API doc has details on the User entity and the filterable properties: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/hh974483.aspx