AMP Analytics "destinationDomains" 在链接器配置中不工作

AMP Analytics "destinationDomains" not working in Linker config

我正在尝试为从我的 AMP 网站到我的域的链接启用链接器字符串。

当前配置仅适用于 "canonical" 域的链接,这是默认行为。


我尝试了以下代码的多种变体(包括使用无效的 JSON 数组字符串,如此处文档所述:但这似乎不起作用.


<amp-analytics type="gtag" data-credentials="include">
<script type="application/json">
   "vars": {
      "gtag_id": "AW-XXXXXX",
      "config": {
         "UA-XXXXX-X": {
            "groups": "default"
         "AW-XXXXXX": {
            "groups": "default"
   "linkers": {
     "enabled": true,
     "proxyOnly": false,
     "destinationDomains": [ "", "", "" ]
   "triggers": {
      "trackPageview": {
         "on": "visible",
         "request": "pageview"

我也试过用嵌套的 <paramName> 对象设置它,如下所示,但我得到了相同的结果(仅适用于规范):

    "linkers": {
        "Linker1": {
            "ids": {
                "_cid": "CLIENT_ID"
            "proxyOnly": false,
            "destinationDomains": [ "", "", "" ],
            "enabled": true

您可以先检查 linkers 在 AMP 中的正确格式:

"linkers": {
  <paramName>: {
    ids: <Object>,
    proxyOnly: <boolean>,
    destinationDomains: <Array<string>>,
    enabled: <boolean>

paramName - This user defined name determines the name of the query parameter appended to the links.

ids - An object containing key-value pairs that is partially encoded and passed along in the param.

proxyOnly - (optional) Flag indicating whether the links should only be appended on pages served on a proxy origin. Defaults to true.

destinationDomains - (optional) Links will be decorated if their domains are included in this array. Defaults to canonical and source domains.

enabled - Publishers must explicity set this to true to opt-in to using this feature.

此链接器使用此配置生成此结构中的字符串:<paramName>=<version>*<checkSum>*<idName1>*<idValue1>*<idName2>*<idValue2>...有关详细信息,请参阅 Linker Param Format

由于您使用的是 gtag,我认为您可能需要使用 GTAG 的配置来配置域。说明可用 here.


<amp-analytics type="gtag" data-credentials="include">
<script type="application/json">
  "vars" : {
    "gtag_id": "<GA_TRACKING_ID>",
    "config" : {
      "<GA_TRACKING_ID>": {
        "groups": "default",
        "linker": { "domains": ["", ""] }