Vue - 在 Bootstrap Table 自定义组件上更新数据

Vue - Update Data on Bootstrap Table Custom Component

我正在尝试在 Vue 2.0 中创建一个自定义组件,以扩展 Bootstrap Vue 库 <b-table> 的现有功能。除了 index.jsp 中定义的 removeRow 和 resetData 函数无法按我希望的方式工作外,它主要按照我希望的方式工作。

removeRow 确实在视觉上删除了该行,并将其从 data 属性中删除,但该行在下一次交互(排序、筛选等)后重新出现。所以它实际上并没有更新正确的东西。我正在尝试使用 v-model 作为项目的浅表副本,以便我可以在不影响原始数据集的情况下对其进行删除,但我只是遗漏了一些东西。

resetData 确实正确设置了 table 中的数据,但不会重新呈现 table 因此您看不到重新添加的行,直到您执行单独的操作交互(排序、筛选等),在这种情况下它们会重新出现。



const OreillyTable =  {
inheritAttrs: false,
data: function () {
    return {
        filter: null,
        sortDesc: false,
        hideEmpty: false,
        isBusy: false,
        currentPage: 1,
        data: null
mounted: function () {
    let filtered = this.slots.filter(function(value, index, arr){
        return value.customRender;
    this.slots = filtered;
methods: {
    oreillyTableSort (a, b, key) {
        if (a[key] === null || b[key] === null) {
            return a[key] === null && b[key] !== null ? -1 : (a[key] !== null && b[key] === null ? 1 : 0);
        } else if (typeof a[key] === 'number' && typeof b[key] === 'number') {
            // If both compared fields are native numbers
            return a[key] < b[key] ? -1 : (a[key] > b[key] ? 1 : 0)
        } else {
            // Stringify the field data and use String.localeCompare
            return this.toString(a[key]).localeCompare(this.toString(b[key]), undefined, {
                numeric: true

    toString (val) {
        return typeof val !== "undefined" && val != null ? val.toString() : '';

    oreillyFilter (filteredItems) {
        this.totalRows = filteredItems.length;
        this.currentPage = 1;
props: {
    fields: {
        type: Array
    items: {
        type: Array,
        required: true
    hideEmpty: {
        type: Boolean
    filterPlaceholder: {
        type: String,
        default: "Filter"
    sortFunction: {
        type: Function,
        default: null
    filterFunction: {
        type: Function,
        default: null
    slots: {
        type: Array
    sortBy: {
        type: String,
        default: null
    perPage: {
        type: Number,
        default: 10
    value: {

template: `<div :class="{ 'no-events' : isBusy }">
                <b-col md="12">
                    <b-form-group class="mb-2 col-md-3 float-right pr-0">
                            <b-form-input v-model="filter" :placeholder="filterPlaceholder" class="form-control" />
            <div class="position-relative">
                <div v-if="isBusy" class="loader"></div>
                <b-table stacked="md" outlined responsive striped hover
                    :sort-compare="sortFunction === null ? this.oreillyTableSort : sortFunction" 
                    @filtered="filterFunction === null ? this.oreillyFilter : filterFunction">

                    <template :slot="slot.key" slot-scope="row" v-for="slot in slots">
                        <slot :name="slot.key" :data="row"></slot>

                <b-row v-if="items.length > perPage">
                    <b-col sm="12">
                        <b-pagination size="md" :total-rows="items.length" v-model="currentPage" :per-page="perPage"></b-pagination>



Vue.component('oreilly-table', OreillyTable);

const dashboardItems = [
    { id: 12, firstName: "John", lastName: "Adams", tmNumber: "588999", team: "Corporate", flapjackCount: 4, enrollDate: "2018-11-05" },
    { id: 13, firstName: "George", lastName: "Washington", tmNumber: "422111", team: "America", flapjackCount: 28, enrollDate: "2018-10-01" },
    { id: 14, firstName: "Abraham", lastName: "Lincoln", tmNumber: "358789", team: "America", flapjackCount: 16, enrollDate: "2017-09-02" },
    { id: 15, firstName: "Jimmy", lastName: "Carter", tmNumber: "225763", team: "Core", flapjackCount: 9, enrollDate: "2018-03-02" },
    { id: 16, firstName: "Thomas", lastName: "Jefferson", tmNumber: "169796", team: "Core", flapjackCount: 14, enrollDate: "2018-05-01" }

const Dashboard = {
    template: `<jsp:include page="dashboard.jsp"/>`,
    data: function(){
        return {            
            notification: {
                text: "The Great Flapjack Contest will be held on December 25, 2018.",
                variant: "primary",
                timer: true
            fields: [
                { key: "name", label: "Name", sortable: true, customRender: true },
                { key: "team", label: "Team", sortable: true },
                { key: "enrollDate", label: "Enrollment Date", sortable: true, formatter: (value) => {return new Date(value).toLocaleDateString();} },
                { key: "flapjackCount", sortable: true },
                { key: "id", label: "", 'class': 'text-center', customRender: true }
    methods: {
        removeRow: function(id) {
            this.$refs.table.isBusy = true;
            setTimeout(() => { console.log("Ajax Request Here"); this.$refs.table.isBusy = false; }, 1000);
            const index = this.$ => === id) 
            if (~index) 
                this.$, 1)  
        resetData: function() {
            this.$ = dashboardItems;

const router = new VueRouter({
    mode: 'history',
    base: "/ProjectTemplate/flapjack",
    routes: [
        { path: '/enroll', component: Enroll },
        { path: '/', component: Dashboard },
        { path: '/404', component: NotFound },  
        { path: '*', redirect: '/404' }

new Vue({router}).$mount('#app');


    <oreilly-table ref="table" :items="dashboardItems" :slots="fields" :fields="fields">
        <template slot="name" slot-scope="row">
            {{ }} {{ }} ({{ }})
        <template slot="id" slot-scope="row">
            <a href="#" @click.prevent="removeRow(">Remove</a>
    <footer class="footer position-sticky fixed-bottom bg-light">
        <div class="container text-center">
            <router-link tag="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" id="button" to="/enroll">Enroll</router-link>
            <b-button @click.prevent="resetData" size="md" variant="outline-danger">Reset</b-button>


methods: {
    removeRow(id) {
      const index = this.records.findIndex(item => item.index === id);

      this.records.splice(index, 1);
    resetData() {
      this.records = this.copyOfOrigin.slice(0);

在挂载时,我执行了一个制作数据副本的函数。这是通过 slice 完成的,因为否则它只会引用原始数组(请注意,通常 JS 是按值传递的,但正如 vue 文档中的对象所述,因此在 vue 内部它是按引用传递(请参阅: Vue docs 滚动到红色标记的文本))。

mounted: function() {
    this.copyOfOrigin = this.records.slice(0);


