R:带 dynlm 包的动态线性回归,如何预测()?

R: Dynamic linear regression with dynlm package, how to predict()?

我正在尝试构建一个动态回归模型,到目前为止我是使用 dynlm 包完成的。基本上模型看起来像这样

y_t = a*x1_t + b*x2_t + ... + c*y_(t-1).



使用 dynlm 包构建模型工作正常,但在预测时 y_t 我感到困惑...


这是我面临的问题(基本上是 predict() 所做的,看起来很奇怪。请参阅评论!):


# Create Data
y <- arima.sim(model = list(ar = c(.9)), n = 11) #Create AR(1) dependant variable
A <- rnorm(11) #Create independent variables
B <- rnorm(11)
y <- y + .5 * A + .2 * B #Add relationship to independent variables 
data = cbind(y, A, B)

# subset used for the fitting of the model
reg <- data[1:10, ]

# Fit dynamic linear model
model <- dynlm(y ~ A + B + L(y, k = 1), data = reg)  # dynlm

# Time series regression with "zooreg" data:
# Start = 2, End = 11
# Call:
# dynlm(formula = y ~ A + B + L(y, k = 1), data = reg)

# Coefficients:
# (Intercept)            A            B  L(y, k = 1)  
#      0.8930      -0.2175       0.2892       0.5176  

# subset last two rows.
# the last row (r11) for which y_t shall be predicted, where from the same time A and B are input for the prediction
# and the second last row (r10), so y_(t-1) can be input for the model as well
pred <- as.data.frame(data[10:11, ])

# prediction using predict()
predict(model, newdata = pred)

#    1        2 
# 1.833134 1.483809 

# manual calculation of prediction of y in r11 (how I thought it should be...), taking y_(t-1) as input
predicted_value <- model$coefficients[1] + model$coefficients[2] * pred[2, 2] + model$coefficients[3] * pred[2, 3] + model$coefficients[4] * pred[1, 1]
# (Intercept) 
#    1.743334 

# and then what gives the value from predict() above taking y_t into the model (which is the value that should be predicted and not y_(t-1))
predicted_value <- model$coefficients[1] + model$coefficients[2] * pred[2, 2] + model$coefficients[3] * pred[2, 3] + model$coefficients[4] * pred[2, 1]
# (Intercept) 
#    1.483809 

当然我可以只使用我自己的预测函数,但问题是我的真实模型会有更多的变量(当我使用阶梯函数根据 AIC 优化模型时,这些变量甚至会有所不同)并且这就是我要使用 predict() 函数的原因。


不幸的是,dynlm 包没有提供 predict() 方法。目前,该包完全分离了数据预处理(了解 d()L()trend()season() 等函数)和模型拟合(其中本身并不知道这些功能)。 predict() 方法一直在我的愿望清单上,但到目前为止我还没有时间写一个方法,因为接口的灵活性允许使用如此多的模型,而在这些模型中做什么并不是很简单。同时,我应该添加一个方法,在通过继承找到 lm 方法之前抛出警告。