使用 swift 在 iOS 上以编程方式创建热点

create hotspot programmatically on iOS using swift

我正在使用 swift 4.2。我想在我的 iOS 设备 (iPhone) 上创建个人热点,但没有找到任何解决方案。我在另一个博客上读到不允许应用程序访问蓝牙、wifi 和个人热点等设置,这是真的吗??


在 iOS 中创建热点的唯一方法是转到设置并手动进行。

iOS is always conscious about the users private data and the user settings so if you are changing any type of any settings the user should be informed and user should on his own should turn off/on the the settings like WiFi/hotspot or anything which is related to the setting of the user in the settings menu.