React Native Maps - 新定价

React Native Maps - new pricing

由于 Google 改变了他们的定价模式,移动原生地图仍然是无限的,而 Javascript SDK 地图限制为每月 28,000 张,如您所见 here.

有谁知道 react-native-maps 属于哪个类别?谢谢

你可以在react native maps的文档中找到答案

The actual map implementation depends on the platform. On Android, one has to use Google Maps, which in turn requires you to obtain an API key for the Android SDK.

On iOS, one can choose between Google Maps or the native Apple Maps implementation.

When using Google Maps on iOS, you need to also register for the iOS SDK and include the Google Maps library in your build.


如您所见,在 Android 的情况下,它使用 Google Maps Android SDK,在 iOS 的情况下,它可以使用 Google Maps iOS 开发工具包。 Google Maps JavaScript API 未在 React Native 地图中使用。这意味着根据 Google Maps Platform price sheet.

