c ++使用带有枚举class和重载转换运算符的模板函数

c++ Using a a template function with enum class and overloaded conversion operators

我正在阅读另一个 post Specializations only for C++ template function with enum non-type template parameter



//in my .h
enum class AllowedTypes { Cat, Dog };

class A {
AllowedTypes animal;

A(AllowedTypes t): animal(t) {};
explicit operator AllowedTypes*() const { return (AllowedTypes*) animal; }
operator AllowedTypes() const { return animal; }
template <AllowedTypes type>
void ability() const;

//second class
struct B{
//tempalte function
template <AllowedTypes type>
void ability() const;

//in my cpp
void B::ability<AllowedTypes::Dog>() const
std::cout << "Dog ability." << std::endl;
void B::ability<AllowedTypes::Cat>() const
std::cout << "Cat ability." << std::endl;

//in my main
Class* a = new A(AllowedType(1))
Class* b = new B();

//this calls work!

//trying to get the type and calling ability via conversion doesn't
AllowedTypes type = (AllowedTypes)*a; // this converts correctly!
b->ability<type>(); //does not call correctly

这最后一行不起作用,我正在尝试将转换后的对象放入模板中并调用特定于 A 所具有的类型的能力。我已经尝试了一些不同的东西,但似乎找不到我要找的东西,有没有正确的方法来做到这一点?


Class* a = new A(AllowedType(1)) // The call to new here makes 'type' below a runtime value

b->ability<AllowedTypes::Cat>(); // AllowedTypes::Cat can be supplied at compile time

AllowedTypes type = (AllowedTypes)*a; // this converts correctly!
b->ability<type>(); //does not call correctly

这是您的代码 运行 online,它指出了确切的问题。下次你对为什么你的模板类型没有被推导出错误感到困惑时 correctly/throwing 使用 constexpr 找出原因。

这是一个解释为什么 new 导致格式错误的 constexpr 的答案:C++14: can you call new in a constexpr?