如何在 React Native、Native Base 中制作圆形卡片

How to make card rounded shape in react native, native base

我在 React Native 之上使用原生基础组件,我想知道如何在 UI 中让卡片变成圆形而不是矩形。 有圆形的道具吗?

好吧,实际上没有人能回答这个问题,但幸运的是 github 我发现了这个:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Container, Header, Title, Content, Button, Icon, Card, CardItem, Text, Body, Left, Right, IconNB, View } from "native-base";
export default class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { 
      loading: true
  static navigationOptions = {

  async componentWillMount() {
    await Expo.Font.loadAsync({
      Roboto: require("native-base/Fonts/Roboto.ttf"),
      Roboto_medium: require("native-base/Fonts/Roboto_medium.ttf"),
      Ionicons: require("@expo/vector-icons/fonts/Ionicons.ttf"),
    this.setState({ loading: false });
  render() {
    if (this.state.loading) {
      return <Expo.AppLoading />;
    return (
            <Button transparent>
              <Icon name="arrow-back" />
          <Right />
        <Content padder>
          <Card style={{ borderRadius: 8 }}>
            <CardItem header bordered style={{ borderTopLeftRadius: 8, borderTopRightRadius: 8 }}>
            <CardItem bordered>
                  NativeBase is a free and open source framework that enable
                  developers to build
                  high-quality mobile apps using React Native iOS and Android
                  with a fusion of ES6.
            <CardItem bordered>
          NativeBase builds a layer on top of React Native that provides
                  you with
                  basic set of components for mobile application development.
            <CardItem bordered>
                  Get on the mobile fast track with NativeBase, the
                  fastest-growing platform
                  and tool set for iOS and Android development.
            <CardItem footer bordered style={{ borderBottomLeftRadius: 8, borderBottomRightRadius: 8 }}>
      </Container >

谢谢 akhil-geekyants!!!! Here是link到原来的post

Here 是另一个 link 与圆角卡片中作为背景的图像相关

正确的方法是<Card borderRadius={50}>.
