使用 IBM UCD 将 Git 目录结构复制到本地

Replicating Git directory structure into local using IBM UCD

这个问题涉及IBM的一个持续部署工具Urban Code Deploy的使用。我们正在使用 UCD 将组件从我们的 Git 存储库部署到目标机器。 Git 存储库中的组件之一具有特定的文件夹结构,例如


当我运行UCD的Download Artifact插件时,如果目录结构不存在,则无法在目标机器中创建Gt目录结构并放置文件。

我想使用 Urban Code Deploy 在目标机器上复制与源版本控制系统完全相同的目录结构,如果找不到目录结构,UCD 应该创建它。


谢谢。 库玛吉特

Kuba Ober 已经回答了这个问题

UCD should create that structure by default. But when you deploy artifacts, you need to cofngiure proper clone origin, branch, and perhaps sub-folders.

To help us replicate you must make it possible to do same thing as you’re doing. So create a new UCD deployment and deploy from any public github repository, and see if you get the same problem with the paths not being created. We can’t deploy from your private repository, so we cannot reproduce your problem that way. There may be problems with things specific to your source repository, so we must first make sure that it works for some public repository, say https://github.com/KubaO/Whosebugn.git. There are multiple folders in the master branch: try deploying that.