在 MessageKit 中发送消息时如何实现有关错误的信息? SWIFT

How to implement info about error when send message in MessageKit? SWIFT

如何实现MessageKit发送消息报错信息? 当消息未发送时,我需要显示信息。有什么想法吗?

How to implement info about error when send message in MessageKit ?

要使用 MessageKit 显示有关消息的信息,您需要使用 accessoryView 它是消息左侧或右侧的视图,其中您可以添加按钮或图像来显示信息。你可以这样显示信息


这是一个如何操作的例子: 在这个例子中,我们简单地向视图添加一个按钮

func configureAccessoryView(_ accessoryView: UIView,
                            for message: MessageType,
                            at indexPath: IndexPath,
                            in messagesCollectionView: MessagesCollectionView) {
    // Remove old views from the previous use
    accessoryView.subviews.forEach { [=10=].removeFromSuperview() }

    // Handle retry logic, you can display this button only if the upload fail as example 

    let button = UIButton(type: .infoLight)
    button.tintColor = .red

    button.frame = accessoryView.bounds
    button.isUserInteractionEnabled = false // respond to accessoryView tap through `MessageCellDelegate`
    accessoryView.layer.cornerRadius = accessoryView.frame.height / 2

要检测 accessoryView 上的点击,您可以在委托 MessageCellDelegate

中实现 didTapAccessoryView
func didTapAccessoryView(in cell: MessageCollectionViewCell) {
    guard let indexPath = messagesCollectionView.indexPath(for: cell) else { return }
    // Handle tap here
    // As example here in my apps I display an actionSheet to cancel or retry


