创建隧道时需要 "maxfd" 什么?

What is the need for "maxfd" when creating a tunnel?

在此 link、https://backreference.org/2010/03/26/tuntap-interface-tutorial/ 中,有一个使用 tun/tap 接口创建 TCP 隧道的代码示例,如下所示。

  /* net_fd is the network file descriptor (to the peer), tap_fd is the
     descriptor connected to the tun/tap interface */

  /* use select() to handle two descriptors at once */
  maxfd = (tap_fd > net_fd)?tap_fd:net_fd;

  while(1) {
    int ret;
    fd_set rd_set;

    FD_SET(tap_fd, &rd_set); FD_SET(net_fd, &rd_set);

    ret = select(maxfd + 1, &rd_set, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR) {

    if (ret < 0) {

    if(FD_ISSET(tap_fd, &rd_set)) {
      /* data from tun/tap: just read it and write it to the network */

      nread = cread(tap_fd, buffer, BUFSIZE);

      /* write length + packet */
      plength = htons(nread);
      nwrite = cwrite(net_fd, (char *)&plength, sizeof(plength));
      nwrite = cwrite(net_fd, buffer, nread);

    if(FD_ISSET(net_fd, &rd_set)) {
      /* data from the network: read it, and write it to the tun/tap interface.
       * We need to read the length first, and then the packet */

      /* Read length */
      nread = read_n(net_fd, (char *)&plength, sizeof(plength));

      /* read packet */
      nread = read_n(net_fd, buffer, ntohs(plength));

      /* now buffer[] contains a full packet or frame, write it into the tun/tap interface */
      nwrite = cwrite(tap_fd, buffer, nread);

该代码摘录中 "maxfd" 的用途是什么?确切的行是:

maxfd = (tap_fd > net_fd)?tap_fd:net_fd;

ret = select(maxfd + 1, &rd_set, NULL, NULL, NULL);

这是危险且过时的 select 函数工作方式的产物。它需要一个参数,该参数限制了传递给它的 fd_set 对象的大小(以位为单位),并且不能使用大于 FD_SETSIZE 施加的任意限制的 fd 数字。如果您未能满足这些要求,则会产生未定义行为。

无论您在哪里看到 select,您都应该将其替换为 poll,它不受这些限制,具有更易于使用的界面和更多功能。