
What is the conversion parameter of Expression.Coalesce for?

有关此问题的上下文,请参阅 the documentation for the Coalesce(Expression, Expression, LambdaExpression) overload of the Expression.Coalesce Method。我指的是这个重载的第三个参数。我有几个关于它的问题,我一直无法在任何地方找到答案,包括微软的文档:

我反复尝试(通过将代码中使用 ?? 运算符的各种 lambda 函数转换为 Expression<>)让 C# 编译器为我编写一个表达式树,它利用了这个范围。但是每次我使用调试器检查 the corollary property of the conversion parameter 在结果树中使用 NodeType Coalesce 的表达式时,它是 null.


您可以通过查看其源代码和 C# 规范来了解 C# 编译器的功能。

如果您查看 the code in the C# compiler that handles the coalesce expression for expression trees,您会注意到它仅在左侧子表达式包含用户定义的表达式时才使用 conversion

然后您可以查看 at the section The null coalescing operator of the C# spec 以了解何时发生:

Specifically, a ?? b is processed as follows:

  • If A exists and is not a nullable type or a reference type, a compile-time error occurs.
  • […]
  • Otherwise, if b has a type B and an implicit conversion exists from a to B, the result type is B. At run-time, a is first evaluated. If a is not null, a is unwrapped to type A0 (if A exists and is nullable) and converted to type B, and this becomes the result. Otherwise, b is evaluated and becomes the result.
  • […]

所以我们需要类型 A 具有到 B 的隐式用户定义转换,并在空合并表达式中使用这两种类型:

class A
    public static implicit operator B(A s) => null;

class B {}


Expression<Func<B>> e = () => new A() ?? new B();

如果你decompile this code, you'll see:

NewExpression left = Expression.New(typeof(A));
NewExpression right = Expression.New(typeof(B));
ParameterExpression parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(A), "p");
UnaryExpression body = Expression.Convert(
    parameterExpression, typeof(B),
    (MethodInfo)MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle((RuntimeMethodHandle)/*OpCode not supported: LdMemberToken*/));
ParameterExpression[] obj = new ParameterExpression[1];
obj[0] = parameterExpression;
    Expression.Coalesce(left, right, Expression.Lambda(body, obj)), Array.Empty<ParameterExpression>());

用反射代码替换 GetMethodFromHandle 以获得 A.op_Implicit 并且您有代码创建具有非空 Conversion.[=37= 的有效 Coalesce 表达式树]