如何使用 Perl Email::Mime 嵌入图像?

How to inline images with Perl Email::Mime?

我正在尝试发送 HTML 带有内联图像的电子邮件。我将不得不使用本机 unix 东西和 Email::Mime,因为这些是我发现安装在我坚持使用的盒子中的唯一东西。我正在创建 Email::Mime 消息并将其发送到 sendmail。我正在使用 cid 来嵌入图像,但出于某种原因,我一直将图像作为附件获取。


sub send_mail(){

use MIME::QuotedPrint;
use HTML::Entities;
use IO::All;
use Email::MIME;

$boundary = "====" . time() . "====";

$text = "HTML mail demo\n\n"
      . "This is the message text\n"
      . "Voilà du texte qui sera encodé\n";

$plain = encode_qp $text;

$html = encode_entities($text);
$html =~ s/\n\n/\n\n<p>/g;
$html =~ s/\n/<br>\n/g;
$html = "<p><strong>" . $html . "</strong></p>";
$html .= '<p><img src="cid:123.png" class = "mail" alt="img-mail" /></p>';

# multipart message
    my @parts = (
            attributes => {
                content_type => "text/html",
                encoding     => "quoted-printable",
                charset      => "US-ASCII",
            body_str => "<html> $html </html>",
            attributes => {
                content_type => "image/png",
                name => "pie.png",
                disposition  => "Inline",
                charset      => "US-ASCII",
                encoding     => "base64",
                filename => "pie.png",
                "Content-ID" => "<123.png>",
                path => "/local_vol1_nobackup/user/ramondal/gfxip_gfx10p2_main_tree03/src/verif/ge/tb",
            body => io("pie.png")->binary->all,

     my $email = Email::MIME->create(
         header_str => [
             To => 'abc@xyz.com',
             Subject => "Test Email",
         parts      => [@parts],

    # die $email->as_string;

    open(MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t") or die $!;

    print MAIL $email->as_string;

    close (MAIL);



首先,它应该是 Content-Id: <123.png> MIME header,但您的代码却为 Content-Type header 生成了 content-id=<123.png> 参数。要解决此问题,请不要将 Content-Id 添加到 attributes,而是添加 header_str:

    header_str => [
        "Content-ID" => "123.png",
    attributes => {
        content_type => "image/png",

其次,代码为邮件创建了一个 multipart/mixed 内容类型。但是图像和 HTML 是相关的,所以它应该是 multipart/related content-type:

my $email = Email::MIME->create(
    header_str => [
        To => 'abc@xyz.com',
        Subject => "Test Email",
    attributes => {
        content_type => 'multipart/related'
    parts      => [@parts],