Scala 特征层次结构无法编译

Scala traits hierarchy doesn't compile

在我学习 Scala 的过程中,我创建了以下层次结构:

trait Animal {
  val name: String = "Animal"

trait HasLegs {
  this: Animal =>
  val numLegs: Int

abstract class Terrestrial extends Animal with HasLegs {
  val name: String = "Terrestrial"

class Dog(val name: String) extends Terrestrial {
  def numLegs = 4

  override def toString = {
    f"My name is: $name%s. I'm a Dog and I've $numLegs%d legs. I'm from the ${}%s family."

但是,编译器在 Dog.toString "super may be not be used on value name" 中抱怨。我做错了什么?

有几个问题,主要是由于在超类中使用 val,它将其锁定为一个值,而不是可以通过 super 覆盖和访问的东西。没有指定 override:

trait Animal {
  // in order for super to be called on this it has to be a def
  def name: String = "Animal"

trait HasLegs {
  this: Animal =>
  val numLegs: Int

abstract class Terrestrial extends Animal with HasLegs {

  // this needs to be an override of
  override def name: String = "Terrestrial"

class Dog(override val name: String) extends Terrestrial {

  // since the trait specified this as a val, the implementation
  // also needs to be a val
  val numLegs = 4

  override def toString = {
    f"My name is: $name%s. I'm a Dog and I've $numLegs%d legs. I'm from the ${}%s family."



This is the intended behavior, and it was changed so that traits could override vals to be more uniform with classes.