如何在应用程序关闭时在本地通知上打开 VC

How to open VC on local notification when app is closed

Hy 我是 iOS 的新手,但不知何故我设法完成了一些任务。我正在开发为用户设置提醒的应用程序。因此,为此我使用了本地通知 (UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate)。



when the App is removed from recent, or not even running in background at all,and a that time if the scheduled notification pops up, and user taps the notification, It opens the splash view controller then opens my app main view controller, where as I need to go to same view controller from where user set the scheduled time for reminder.

我想我很清楚自己想要什么,正在发生什么。是否有任何更改可以做到这一点。我知道这是可能的,因为 Whats App 和其他应用程序也在这样做。请帮我做这件事。 ...

注: 我正在使用 UserNotifications(本地通知)并且部署目标是 10.3

更新: 我看到 link 和我有同样的需求,但我不知道选择的答案是什么,因为我是 iOS 的新手,所以我不确定该做什么和怎么做:

当您的应用程序通过 LocalNotification 启动时,您的 UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate 方法 userNotificationCenter didReceive response 将被调用。


//Add this extension in any of your class
extension UIApplication {

@objc class func topViewController(_ base: UIViewController?) -> UIViewController? {

    var baseController = base

    if baseController == nil{

        baseController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController

    if let nav = baseController as? UINavigationController {
        return topViewController(nav.visibleViewController)

    if let tab = baseController as? UITabBarController {
        if let selected = tab.selectedViewController {
            return topViewController(selected)

    return baseController


//In your `userNotificationCenter didReceive response` method
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {

    if response.actionIdentifier == "YourIdentifier"{

        let controllerToPresent = MyNotificationViewController(nibName: "MyNotificationViewController", bundle: nil)
        controllerToPresent.notificationInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo

        //If navigation flow needed, add controllerToPresent to nav controller
        let navConroller = UINavigationController(rootViewController: controllerToPresent)
        UIApplication.topViewController(nil)?.present(navConroller, animated: true, completion: nil)

        //If navigation flow not needed, present directly
        UIApplication.topViewController(nil)?.present(controllerToPresent, animated: true, completion: nil)



情况如下: 通知显示 (inactive/killed) -> 点击通知 -> 启动画面 -> 提醒屏幕。

您应该保存要在通知中显示的数据。 iOS 将在 remoteNotification 中保存任何通知数据。

因此,当用户从非活动状态打开应用程序时,首先调用的是 AppDelegate 中的 launchOption


    if launchOptions != nil {
    // get data from notificaioton when app is killed or incative
           if let userInfo = launchOptions?[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey.remoteNotification] as? NSDictionary  {
                   // Do what you want, you can set set the trigger to move it the screen as you want, for your case is to reminder screen