Angular 路线:URL 喜欢 /my/:parameter/path

Angular route: URL like /my/:parameter/path

我正在尝试设置 URL,例如 'user/:id/edit',但是当我使用 [routerLink]="['user/:id/edit', 1]" 时,它会生成 /user/:id/edit/1

如果我使用 [routerLink]="['user/:id/edit', {id: 1}]" 它会生成 /user/:id/edit;id=1

有没有办法在不使用字符串插值的情况下将输出设为 /users/1/edit

你可以这样试:[routerLink]="['/user/', 1, '/edit']"

更一般地说,您可以像这样放置您的 id 参数:

[routerLink]="['/user', <your param 1>, 'edit', <your param 2>]"

在组件中,您可以使用 Router:


import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';

constructor(private router: Router){


我相信你的这个问题是 的延伸 在这里,您的要求是获得一个根据您要传递的参数正确翻译的数组。我的意思是:


const routes: Routes = [
  {path: "first/:id1/second/:id2", component: HelloComponent}

[routerLink] 中使用它时,您会希望输入 属性 类似于:['first', 'param1', 'second', 'param2']。不是:['first/param1/second/param2']。如果你这样做,那么即使你将被路由到所需的路径,你的 ActivatedRoute 也不会包含任何参数(以防你需要从路由器获取参数)。

现在您的任务是为 routerLinks.


让我们创建一个 Pipe 来执行此操作并且性能高效。

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

    name: 'routerArray'
export class RouterArrayPipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(routerPath: string, params: string | number[]): string | number[] {
        // regex to find all the param placeholders in the route path
        let regex = /(\/:[a-zA-Z0-9]*\/?)/g;
        // will be returned as output
        let routerArray = [];
        // contains the output of regex.exec()
        let match = null;
        // index to retrieve the parameters for route from params array
        let paramIndex = 0;
        while (match = regex.exec(routerPath)) {
            // push the first part of the path with param placeholder
            routerArray.push(routerPath.substring(0, match.index))
            // push the param at paramIndex
            // remove the contents from routerPath which are processed
            routerPath = routerPath.substring(regex.lastIndex);
            // regex is stateful, reset the lastIndex coz routerPath was changed.
            regex.lastIndex = 0;
        // if the recieved route path didn't accept any argumets
        if (routerArray.length === 0) {
        return routerArray


<button [routerLink]="'first/:id1/second/:id2' | routerArray: ['1', '2']">Click to Navigate</button>

看到 Example here...