从 AppleScript 获取 Apple 事件

Get Apple Events from AppleScript

我有一个简单的 AppleScript,它告诉我 url 在特定浏览器中的活动 window

tell application "Opera"
   get URL of active tab of window 1
end tell

但是我希望看到 运行 该脚本需要 Apple Events,可能是其中一些:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coreservices/apple_events?language=objc 我的最终目标是编写相同的脚本,但使用 Apple 核心服务。



是的,有几种这样的方法。我最喜欢使用 Script Debugger, which just translates the AppleScript into raw Apple events for you. Alternatively, you can run your AppleScript in an environment where export AEDebugSends=1; export AEDebugReceives=1 has been turned on.