
Extract regression results with names of covariates

我想 运行 使用分类曝光变量进行线性回归,并将结果输出到 excel sheet,并在结果旁边包含每个协变量的名称。

下面的 Stata 代码可以很好地导出结果:

sysuse auto.dta, clear

postfile temp str40 exp str40 outcome adjust N beta se lci uci pval using ///
"test.dta", replace

foreach out in price {
    foreach exp in i.foreign {
        foreach adjust in 1 2 {

            if `adjust'==1 local adjusted ""
            if `adjust'==2 local adjusted "mpg weight length displacement i.trunk"

            reg `out' `exp' `adjusted'

            local N = e(N)
            matrix table=r(table)

            forvalues i = 1 / `= colsof(r(table))-1' {

                local beta = table[1,`i']
                local se = table[2,`i']
                local lci = table[5,`i']
                local uci = table[6,`i']
                local pval=table[4,`i']

                post temp ("`exp'") ("`out'") (`adjust') (`N') (`beta') ///
                (`se') (`lci') (`uci') (`pval')


postclose temp

use "test.dta", clear

但是,所有行都标记为 i.foreign,因此很难知道哪些结果对应于其他协变量。

理想情况下,我想要一个列,其中的行显示与结果对应的名称,即 mpg, weight, length, displacement, i.trunk

如果您在 post temp 中将 exp 更改为 adjusted,您将得到想要的结果:

sysuse auto.dta, clear

postfile temp str40 exp str40 outcome adjust N beta se lci uci pval using ///
"test.dta", replace

foreach out in price {
foreach exp in i.foreign {
    foreach adjust in 1 2 {

        if `adjust'==1 local adjusted "" 
        if `adjust'==2 local adjusted "mpg weight length displacement i.trunk" 

        reg `out' `exp' `adjusted' 

        local N = e(N) 
        matrix table=r(table)

        forvalues i = 1 / `= colsof(r(table))-1' {

            local beta = table[1,`i']
            local se = table[2,`i']
            local lci = table[5,`i']
            local uci = table[6,`i']
            local pval=table[4,`i']                         

            post temp ("`adjusted'") ("`out'") (`adjust') (`N') (`beta') ///
                      (`se') (`lci') (`uci') (`pval')

postclose temp 

use "test.dta", clear

list exp outcome adjust N beta, separator(0)

     |                                    exp   outcome   adjust    N        beta |
  1. |                                            price        1   74           0 |
  2. |                                            price        1   74    312.2587 |
  3. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74           0 |
  4. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    3152.553 |
  5. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -9.723515 |
  6. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    4.613294 |
  7. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -92.95226 |
  8. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    10.30914 |
  9. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74           0 |
 10. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    530.6144 |
 11. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -245.4009 |
 12. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    1722.497 |
 13. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    368.6347 |
 14. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74     355.778 |
 15. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -229.7306 |
 16. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    2002.943 |
 17. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    47.29906 |
 18. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    1746.247 |
 19. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    1473.953 |
 20. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    115.0414 |
 21. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    319.3028 |
 22. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    2780.235 |
 23. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    142.0096 |
 24. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    737.9046 |
 25. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    408.4962 |
 26. | mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -669.1454 |


您还需要将 exp 中的 str 长度更改为 100 或更长以保存字符串中的所有协变量:

postfile temp str100 exp str40 outcome adjust N beta se lci uci pval using ///
"test.dta", replace

然后,如果您还更改 post temp 以也包括曝光:

post temp ("`exp' `adjusted'") ("`out'") (`adjust') (`N') (`beta') ///
                      (`se') (`lci') (`uci') (`pval')


list exp outcome adjust N beta, separator(0)

     |                                              exp   outcome   adjust    N        beta |
  1. |                                        i.foreign     price        1   74           0 |
  2. |                                        i.foreign     price        1   74    312.2587 |
  3. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74           0 |
  4. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    3152.553 |
  5. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -9.723515 |
  6. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    4.613294 |
  7. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -92.95226 |
  8. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    10.30914 |
  9. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74           0 |
 10. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    530.6144 |
 11. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -245.4009 |
 12. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    1722.497 |
 13. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    368.6347 |
 14. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74     355.778 |
 15. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -229.7306 |
 16. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    2002.943 |
 17. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    47.29906 |
 18. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    1746.247 |
 19. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    1473.953 |
 20. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    115.0414 |
 21. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    319.3028 |
 22. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    2780.235 |
 23. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    142.0096 |
 24. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    737.9046 |
 25. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74    408.4962 |
 26. | i.foreign mpg weight length displacement i.trunk     price        2   74   -669.1454 |


sysuse auto.dta, clear

postfile temp str100 exp str40 outcome adjust N beta se lci uci pval using ///
"test.dta", replace

foreach out in price {
foreach exp in i.foreign {
    foreach adjust in 1 2 {

        if `adjust'==1 local adjusted "" 
        if `adjust'==2 local adjusted "mpg weight length displacement i.trunk" 

        reg `out' `exp' `adjusted' 

        local N = e(N) 
        matrix table=r(table)
        local matnames: colnames table
        tokenize `matnames'

        forvalues i = 1 / `= colsof(r(table))-1' {
            local beta = table[1,`i']
            local se = table[2,`i']
            local lci = table[5,`i']
            local uci = table[6,`i']
            local pval=table[4,`i']                         

            post temp ("``i''") ("`out'") (`adjust') (`N') (`beta') ///
                      (`se') (`lci') (`uci') (`pval')
postclose temp 

use "test.dta", clear

list exp outcome adjust N beta, separator(0)

     |          exp   outcome   adjust    N        beta |
  1. |   0b.foreign     price        1   74           0 |
  2. |    1.foreign     price        1   74    312.2587 |
  3. |   0b.foreign     price        2   74           0 |
  4. |    1.foreign     price        2   74    3152.553 |
  5. |          mpg     price        2   74   -9.723515 |
  6. |       weight     price        2   74    4.613294 |
  7. |       length     price        2   74   -92.95226 |
  8. | displacement     price        2   74    10.30914 |
  9. |     5b.trunk     price        2   74           0 |
 10. |      6.trunk     price        2   74    530.6144 |
 11. |      7.trunk     price        2   74   -245.4009 |
 12. |      8.trunk     price        2   74    1722.497 |
 13. |      9.trunk     price        2   74    368.6347 |
 14. |     10.trunk     price        2   74     355.778 |
 15. |     11.trunk     price        2   74   -229.7306 |
 16. |     12.trunk     price        2   74    2002.943 |
 17. |     13.trunk     price        2   74    47.29906 |
 18. |     14.trunk     price        2   74    1746.247 |
 19. |     15.trunk     price        2   74    1473.953 |
 20. |     16.trunk     price        2   74    115.0414 |
 21. |     17.trunk     price        2   74    319.3028 |
 22. |     18.trunk     price        2   74    2780.235 |
 23. |     20.trunk     price        2   74    142.0096 |
 24. |     21.trunk     price        2   74    737.9046 |
 25. |     22.trunk     price        2   74    408.4962 |
 26. |     23.trunk     price        2   74   -669.1454 |