HttpClient 和 Polly 延迟 14 秒

14s delay with HttpClient and Polly

我正在使用 httpClient 执行 POST 请求。我正在使用 Polly 进行重试。发生的事情是第一次尝试需要 14 秒,即使我指定了 2 秒的重试时间。第一次尝试在 14 秒后失败,然后有 2 秒的间隔,直到第二次尝试。我希望它每 2 秒尝试一次,超时并重试任何错误。这是正确的做法吗?

            var retryPolicy = Policy
                .Handle<Exception>()    // retry on any
                    retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000), 
                    (response, calculatedWaitDuration, ctx) =>
                        Log.LogError($"Failed attempt {attempt++}. Waited for {calculatedWaitDuration}. Exception: {response?.ToString()}");
            HttpResponseMessage httpResp = null;
            await retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
                httpResp = await DoPost();
                httpResp?.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); // throws HttpRequestException
                return httpResp;

            var respBody = await httpResp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            return respBody;

            async Task<HttpResponseMessage> DoPost()
                var httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url)
                    Content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, Constants.JsonContentType),
                    Headers = { Authorization = await GetAuthenticationTokenAsync() }
                ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
                var httpResponseMessage = await StaticHttpClient.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);
                return httpResponseMessage;

The first attempt takes 14s even though I specified a retry time of 2s. The first attempt fails after 14s, then there is a 2s gap until the second attempt.

没错。 WaitAndRetry 是关于失败后等待多长时间,然后再重试,如 specified in the documentation.

What I want it to try every 2s and timeout and retry on any error.

要强制超时,请使用 Polly 的 Timeout policy. To both impose a timeout and retry, combine both Timeout and Retry policies using PolicyWrap。因此,您可以像这样调整您的代码:

        var timeoutPolicy = Policy.TimeoutAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000));

        var retryPolicy = Policy
            .Handle<Exception>()    // retry on any
            .WaitAndRetryAsync(6,  // or just RetryAsync() if you don't want any wait before retrying
                retryAttempt => /* a timespan, _if you want a wait before retrying */, 
                (response, calculatedWaitDuration, ctx) =>
                    Log.LogError($"Failed attempt {attempt++}. Waited for {calculatedWaitDuration}. Exception: {response?.ToString()}");

        var combinedPolicy = retryPolicy.WrapAsync(timeoutPolicy);

        HttpResponseMessage httpResp = null;
        await combinedPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
            httpResp = await DoPost();
            httpResp?.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); // throws HttpRequestException
            return httpResp;
