Python - 用 try/except 猜数字

Python - Guess the number with try/except

嗨,我是 python 的新人,我搜索了一些小挑战来练习和学习更多,现在我正在做一个 'Guess the number' 脚本,它有效,但现在我想添加当用户输入的不是整数时,try/except 块,这是我现在的代码:

from random import *
print('Guess the number')

def check_correct(u_guess, num):
    while True:
        if u_guess < num:
            print('Guess is high!')
            while True:
                    u_guess = int(input('What number do you think is? (Between 1 and 5): '))
                except ValueError:
                    print('Invalid number try again!')
        elif u_guess > num:
            print('Guess is low!')
            while True:
                    u_guess = int(input('What number do you think is? (Between 1 and 5): '))
                except ValueError:
                    print('Invalid number try again!')
        elif u_guess == num:
            print('You got it!')

def guess():
    num = randint(1, 5)
    u_guess = None
    while u_guess == None:
            u_guess = int(input('What number do you think is? (Between 1 and 5): '))
            check_correct(u_guess, num)
        except ValueError:
            print('Invalid number try again!')


$ python

    Guess the number
    What number do you think is? (Between 1 and 5): 1
    Guess is high!
    What number do you think is? (Between 1 and 5): 2
    What number do you think is? (Between 1 and 5): 2
    What number do you think is? (Between 1 and 5):
    Invalid number try again!
    What number do you think is? (Between 1 and 5): Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 35, in <module>
      File "", line 31, in guess
        check_correct(u_guess, num)
      File "", line 11, in check_correct
        u_guess = int(input('What number do you think is? (Between 1 and 5): '))

check_correct 唯一应该做的就是 return 如果猜测正确则为 True,否则为 False。它还可以输出描述比较结果的消息。

import random  # Never use from <whatever import *
print('Guess the number')

def check_correct(u_guess, num):
    if u_guess < num:           # You had the roles of u_guess and num reversed
        print('Guess is low!')
        return False
    elif u_guess > num:
        print('Guess is high')
        return False
    else:  # u_guess == num
        print('You got it!')
        return True

guess 处理所有用户输入,调用 check_correct 来确定是否 外循环应该终止。内部循环继续,直到 int(uguess) 确实 引发异常。

def guess():
    num = random.randint(1, 5)
    while True:
        while True:
            u_guess = input('What number do you think it is? (Between 1 and 5)')
                u_guess = int(u_guess)
            except ValueError:
                print('Invalid number, try again!')
        if check_correct(u_guess, num):
